Quick explainer on ‘flow batteries’ by vanadium flow battery designer Maria Skyllas-Kazacos.

    • Gorgritch_Umie_KillaOPM
      13 days ago

      Hmm, good read.

      I understand people in the Government are looking at this battery company as a consumer facing battery retailer, i think thats the wrong perspective to take with these sorts of companies.

      They’re more like the future essential energy providers, analogous to a coal power station unexpectedly shutting down, sometimes public ownership of these resources needs to be taken to ensure smooth energy system functioning. I wonder if the Government even considered buying it to keep it going.

      Its sad that all this technology thats been developed is now going to be sold off, probably to US companies, and yet again Australian’s hard work gets taken to US shareholders with only a slither of the value created by the work remaining or re-entering Australia.

      • TheHolm
        13 days ago

        If SA paid these guys for batteries not Tesla, they may survive.