• Queen HawlSera@lemm.ee
      2 months ago

      “The Marketplace of Ideas” is such a scam, all that phrase accomplished was getting Bill Nye to debate creationists, who then gained followings because “The TV Box said that the Creationism and Evolution are equal ideas worth debating and considering the merits of!”

      Don’t let them make you think that Piss belongs on the shelf with Pepsi.

    • dx1@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      Chicken and the egg, he would have been defeated in the marketplace of ideas, if he didn’t seize power and destroy the marketplace of ideas. If the German population held freedom of expression, equality for all under the law, etc., as sacrosanct, and Hitler wasn’t able to manufacture a legal mechanism to seize power, nothing would have happened. But, they were missing that kind of unity, the idea of what a better society should look like and why it’s worth defending, so that enough psychopaths organized around Hitler that he was able to enforce his mandates.

      Ultimately the question is about whether or not a political paradigm can gain enough traction to have its followers come out on top of everyone else. The prevailing wind of society has to be justice instead of injustice. And not always “domestically”, either, war and colonialism take a very similar shape. just as a projection from one region into another. This gets to Chomsky’s description of “power structures”. A fascist power structure could defeat, or be defeated by, the organization of the people, but it all depends on their collective cultural mindset - strength in numbers, arms, organization, etc. That is why ultimately the fight against fascism is about the necessity of education, and why fascists attack all forms of education.