A project that is likely the biggest combined agri-solar and battery storage project in Australia – the Blind Creek solar farm near Bungendore – has received planning approval from the NSW state government.

The Blind Creek project, however, illustrates just why many farmers are strong supporters of renewable project, particularly if they can be integrated into the farmland activities.

The solar farm will co-exist with lamb production, regenerative agriculture, a soil carbon project, a green-waste humus compost facility and restoration works to improve the biodiversity and water-holding capacity of the catchment.”

Stride is proud to have helped an important project reach this milestone.

Octopus Australia has already built up a portfolio of renewable and storage projects including the newly connected 180W Dulacca Wind Farm in Queensland, the Darlington Point solar farm, and the Fulham solar and storage project in Victoria which it is also developing in tandem with the CEFC.

  • Zozano
    11 months ago


    Seems so paradoxical the Nat’s would be against a measure which benefits nature and the local community, but this is just another example of how corrupt the Nat’s are.