• TinyBreak
    1 year ago

    Making it harder for teenagers isn’t the solution. The problem is as a society we think driving is a right. It’s not. It’s a privilege! We should be ensuring the laws are clear, common sense and most importantly; harsh. That would fix things. Dash cam owners aus highlights how many scumbags there are on the roads. Why are there NOT a government org watching it and fining people into oblivion?

    You got out of your car and raised a cricket bat at a driver? Good luck driving a cube, cause that’s what your car is now.

    You drove drunk? Good news! Your car will be sold, we will be taking the money from the sale as a fine and you’ll not be driving again for 10 years.

    You did 100 through a school zone? Enjoy that fine that’s equal to 20% of your yearly income.

    When the repercussions for acting like a fuckwit are bugger all you can’t be surprised when people just don’t give a shit any more.