Honestly…I’d take it if it set me up for life. Realistically, 99.9% of the people who can’t see past the moniker would never have mattered to me anyway and as for the stuff about your life being distilled to just that, who gives a flying fuck as long as you make sure you’re good with the life you lived and do right by the people you actually care about and that care about you. Besides “for life” in 2024 means “a year of being inactive, max”.
With that being said, someone in this thread said this is a symptom of a diseased society and I think they’re onto something.
Gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it’s a second language thing.
The initial comment was saying a netflix app on a computer monitor is completely useless since the whole point of a computer monitor is to plug in a computer, which if the user wants can easily play stuff off netflix through a browser or app. Not comparing a PC with Netflix, just saying it’s stupid to put apps on a computer monitor (I agree).