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Joined 4 days ago
Cake day: March 10th, 2025


  • My phone wallpaper is a video I stole from ticktock following a trail down Red Rock overlook in Yellowstone Canyon. It is done using a few iPhone tricks that makes a super clean, high speed edit that ends with a zoom shot of the canyon and the Lower Falls of the Yellowstone (famously iconic view). The kind of thing that is almost plastic in its trendiness.

    I grew up in Yellowstone and living in the Midwest, which I love, makes me miss it so much it almost hurts at times. That trail has countless memories of family that are long dead and friends I will never see again. It’s like having a cleanly edited video tour of your childhood home and all the best memories you accumulated while growing up every time I open my phone and no one but me knows the significance. It just looks like some overly artistic background a nerd would pay too much for in the mid '00s.

  • Same here. Elections were my Superbowl. Now I find myself systematically trying to eliminate all political news. I know too much about politics to be able to avoid panicking every time I see a headline. This last election was just different. I have always been extremely calm and patient about politics and never panicked at the loss that inevitably always comes around. This last one sent my optimistic self into a real and lasting depression I am still struggling to overcome.

  • I had a friend who grew up in Oklahoma during the 70s. He taught me how to make crop circles and UFOs to freek people out. It isn’t hard actually.

    One classic UFO technique is to take a large white (can be black, but white works better) garbage bags and attach it to a simple square frame made out of something lightweight like a coat hanger or balsam wood. It has to have an X crossing the middle where you place a candle. Fill the bag with a hair dryer (or just wait for the candle to do it) and the lift will take it up like a hot air balloon. It will get tossed around in the wind in erratic patterns and since it is largely unrecognizable most people will have a hard time approximating size and distance. As a result, it will look like a large moving in impossible ways looks like it is farther away, and that makes it look like it is moving faster than possible, and changing directions in ways that a helicopter or airplane would not be able to do). Instant aliens.

  • I have a memory like that. I can remember details going way, way back farther than I should be able to remember (no previous life or anything). One day I decided to delve as deeply as I could to find my earliest memory and I swear I remember an image like you described of my arm with a huge medical bracelet on it from inside an incubator.

    Unfortunately that memory is fading. I’m 45 now and every year it gets worse. I just don’t remember the details I used to and am finding more and more things that I completely forgot happened only a month later. The older members of my mom’s family all suffer with mental decline that almost approached Alzheimer’s like symptoms. They say to take your B vitamins. We will see if that holds.