• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • While I don’t care much about the subject, I do actually care about ineffective communication and how it presents. Indeed, I have made a few comments like that— specifically putting the reason a comment failed to communicate— in the hopes that at least one person will avoid that particular pitfall next time. I don’t do it as much as I’d like to because sometimes it’s hard to condense why a comment failed, but this one was pretty easy.

    For the sake of argument though, making quips would still be better than worthless comments like your original one even if they didn’t communicate something. Among every form of discourse, quips are vastly better liked than “not true but I can’t prove it” to everyone but the guy being called out.

  • Great write up. I like the things you printed to keep it in place.

    How’d you notice that the clip retracts? I’ve played with (and occasionally written with) these for years and never knew.

    I’ll second inconsistent nibs. I had one that did not improve with time and was sent in to Lamy, where it returned better but not great. I was going to have it tuned anyway so sent it in as-is, and it’s been perfect since. That said, no excuse— a dud nib can happen, but I sent it in and got a still flawed nib back. Their nibsmith was point of contact by the end and detailed some of the adjustments so I know they didn’t just swap it out or barely touch it. Masuyama fixed it completely, so what went wrong the two times at Lamy?

  • Nah don’t care, that subject itself doesn’t affect or interest me. Just saying that you convinced no one and that your comment provided no value besides a few upvotes for me, which don’t even matter on this site. I also intended it more for others who might be inclined to do the same thing rather than you yourself.

    If you actually ever want to change minds or prevent the spread of misinformation (which I’m still not convinced it is because again, you provided no evidence and I still don’t care), it’s a good idea to actually elaborate instead of just saying “not true”. The only people convinced by empty comments like yours will be convinced the other way by the next evidence-free claim.

    Btw I genuinely don’t see how the info would change my life for the better so if you are gonna start trying now, just edit it into your og comment or something, I probably won’t be back in this thread again