• 28 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • Flathub is not the entirety of Free World, just a little small slice of the pie. You can say Flathub is quite centralized. But our Free World have so much more. Every country will have a certain focus of what is freely available. It’s an optional server and package format. You are free to install it or use another free package. Nothing crazy here.

  • I had similar thoughts, because I would disable it probably. But that does not change the fact (and my previous comment) that this is impressive.

    Env Vars: What would make sense to me is a global variable the project checks and runs standard text or effects based on the global environmental variable. This way we could just set a single env var in the shell and have it automatically set off (or on for specific apps only) without configurations and commandline options for many programs.

  • I unfortunately updated already and they seem to have added documentation into man systemd-tmpfiles already. Here is the snippet that is relevant:

    If this option is passed, all files and directories marked for creation by the tmpfiles.d/ files specified on the command
    line will be deleted. Specifically, this acts on all files and directories marked with f, F, d, D, v, q, Q, p, L, c, b, C,
    w, e. If this switch is used at least one tmpfiles.d/ file (or - for standard input) must be specified on the command line
    or the invocation will be refused, for safety reasons (as otherwise much of the installed system files might be removed).
    The primary usecase for this option is to automatically remove files and directories that originally have been created on
    behalf of an installed packaged at package removal time.
    It is recommended to first run this command in combination with --dry-run (see below) to verify which files and
    directories will be deleted.
    Warning!  This is is usually not the command you want! In most cases --remove is what you are looking for.
    Added in version 256.