They are very different from protoss, game design wise atleast.
There is more info about the faction on the Stormgate website.
Archive link:
Are you sure about that? There are two different rewards: there is “Preview Week” and “2024 Beta: Wave 1”. With the later one sounding like it will be earlier than 1 week before early access.
Edit: from their Kickstarter:
DISCLAIMER: Recipients of the “Preview Week” reward will gain access to the beta playtest approximately one week prior to Early Access launch. Recipients of the “2024 Beta: Wave 1” reward are expected to gain access to the beta playtest in February 2024.
Let’s hope there are enough spots for them to not be gone in the first minutes and it is not locked behind the very expensive tiers.
It seems they have forgotten to send me an invite again …
Yay! Have fun!
You could check if
If it you manage to turn of vsync and the mouse lag is gone you probably want to limit your frame rate to something close to your monitor refresh rate to minimize screen tearing. You could use Mangohud or libstrangle for that.
If you have vsync enabled, try disabling it and see if that helps with the input lag.
Ein Klick auf den Artikel lohnt sich schon allein für das Foto der weiteren zwei beeindruckenden Nester.
Im Browser ist es relativ weit unten bei den Einstellungen mit dabei. Da ist ein Häkchen gesetzt bei “Show Read Posts”. Da es aber alle gelesenen Posts dann anscheinend ausblendet (hab es selbst nicht ausprobiert), führt das unter Umständen zu anderen Unannehmlichkeiten.
Im Webinterface auf “Subscribed” anstatt “Local” oder “All” stellen, sollte dafür reichen: Das kann auch in den Einstellungen als Standard gesetzt werden.
They also published a preview of the improvements for the environment graphics earlier:
The patch is supposed to go live next week 17th of September. I am looking forward to see what else they have in store for us.