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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 17th, 2024

  • My issue with nuclear energy isn’t that it’s dangerous or that it’s inherently bad. The world needs a stable source of energy that compensates for wind and solar fluctuations anyways. For the current realistic alternatives that’s either going to be nuclear or coal/oil/natural gas. We have nothing else for this purpose, end of discussion.

    My problem is the assumption underlying this discussion about nuclear energy that it somehow will solve all of our problems or that it will somehow allow us to continue doing business as usual. That’s categorically not the case. The climate crisis has multiple fronts that need to be dealt with and the emissions is just one of them. Even if we somehow managed to find the funds and resources to replace all non renewable energy with nuclear, we would still have solved just 10% of the problem, and considering that this cheap new energy will allow us to increase our activities and interventions in the planet, the situation will only worsen.

    Nuclear energy is of course useful, but it’s not the answer. Never has technology been the answer for a social and political issue. We can’t “science and invent” our way out of this, it’s not about the tech, it’s about who decides how it will be used, who will profit from it, who and how much will be affected by it etc. If you want to advocate for a way to deal with the climate crisis you have to propose a complete social and political plan that will obviously include available technologies, so stop focusing on technologies and start focusing on society and who takes the decisions.

    One simple example would be the following: no matter how green your energy is, if the trend in the US is to have increasingly bigger cars and no public transport, then the energy demands will always increase and no matter how many nuclear plants you build, they will only serve as an additional source and not as a replacement. So no matter how many plants you build, the climate will only deteriorate.

    This is literally how the people in charge have decided it will work. Any new developing energy source that is invented serves only to increase the consumption, not to replace previous technologies. That’s the case with solar and wind as well. So all of this discussion you all make about nuclear Vs oil or whatever is literally irrelevant. The problem is social and political, not technological.

  • Bro really called purists people who are not ok with the biggest humanitarian crisis of the 21st century.

    Not to mention how he hasn’t fixed any internal problems, he just didn’t make things a lot worse, which is a pretty low bar to begin with.

    Like in this case, we are fucking light years away from anything even remotely close to saving the environment and reversing the damage we have done, yet we have to applaud this party for not making things even worse? Like, have you seen what environmental scientists say about the situation we are in?

  • This support for fascism just shows how bad things are in the world and how there’s no hope.

    It’s a logical reaction and I can understand it. I think having multiple imperialism poles is better than having one global imperialist power controlling everything. Of course this world situation is a far cry from anything even remotely desirable, but I’d still be more satisfied with a US loss against China, Russia, Iran etc than from a US win against them. An oligopoly is better than a monopoly.

    Unfortunately we are stuck in the very unfortunate situation where the only viable alternatives are all fascists. I can understand the sentiment of supporting an opponent of the empire you are in, but people need to stop seriously supporting any empires.

  • This is such childish logic lol. Why do you explain the most obvious argument ever to me? Do you think this hasn’t crossed my mind? It’s what every democrat voter says. It’s in fact the only argument in favour of the democrats I’ve been hearing for this election.

    The truth however is that there comes a point when the lesser evil becomes evil. Just because party A is more evil, doesn’t take away from the fact that B is evil as well. It sucks to admit this, doesn’t it? So there are only two alternatives for this one. You either think that the biggest genocide and humanitarian crisis of the 21st century - for which they are as much responsible as Israel is - has been handled even remotely adequately by the Democrats or you don’t think it’s such a big deal to begin with. So which is it?

    Do you have a conscience? Do you want to make them realize their atrocious actions have consequences? Or will you give them the vote that says I’m still ok with what you do? I don’t care about strategies, my votes are only based on my beliefs and who matches them the most.

  • There’s AC in public transport.

    Your privacy is of no concern to us, like you could claim you want more privacy, which you can achieve by commuting with a jet(people can stare at you through the car window) - that doesn’t mean the world has to cater to your unreasonable demands.

    The fact that there is a park in your neighborhood doesn’t mean anything, since the public spaces are simply not enough. We don’t have more green instead of this sea of tar, because some people like you don’t care about either the environment or the alienation of the communities or the health implications of car centric cities.

    The opposite of one trip every two weeks isn’t everyday, it’s once a week on a bike, I’m sure you can make this sacrifice since…yk I specifically explained how our world and lives are ruined from car centric cities. And if you are not willing to make this insurmountable sacrifice, you are just a lost cause and an enemy to green walkable vibrant cities and therefore to us.

    You are not fucking crazy, you are fucking toxic to comment in this place to begin with.

  • Fuck them. I’d rather donate quadruple the money for premium to my favourite creators directly than give a single penny to this parasitic mega corporation.

    The issue is not only the ads, it’s the stupid shit it throws you to keep you hooked, it’s the stupid shorts that literally no one asked for, it’s every stupid little thing that fights for your attention. Basically the app doesn’t work for you, it works against you. That’s not the case with third party apps, they have you, the user, in mind, not their profits.

  • Interesting thoughts. Personally I use a pocketbook to read. It’s been pretty good with a red light backlight for the dark(that is gentle for the eyes before sleep) a built-in dictionary and the ability to export notes from books. This is everything I need in an ereader. Unfortunately it has a browser, some unnecessary small games and some other features that anyone who buys relatively expensive ereaders(hence is committed to reading books) won’t possibly ever need.

    But the unnecessary features won’t bother you too much. The UI is clean and easy to navigate.

    Pocketbook is not open source or anything, but at least I don’t fund Amazon’s monopoly, it’s a smaller company and it’s definitely value for money imo.

  • I’ve actually encountered it a couple of times trying to access some Israeli sites. More specifically I’ve encountered it in Hareetz for sure and I think it was after I disabled the clearURLs extension that it was fixed. And another site that I still cannot access is the Israeli post. I’ve managed to access it after turning on VPN and trying a couple different locations, but it gives me this 403 error whenever I try to open it w/o VPN. And also on the same site, my antivirus has warned me about a JS/Agent.PIV threat a couple of times that I’ve tried to open it, not every time, but it has happened multiple times, as I’ve had to track an order for some days.