That Albo can’t even convincingly beat Dutton in proof he is the worst Prime Minister in the past 25 years. The whole centrist approach just means Federal Labor stands for nothing, completely spineless so no surprise they are hemorrhaging support.
That Albo can’t even convincingly beat Dutton in proof he is the worst Prime Minister in the past 25 years. The whole centrist approach just means Federal Labor stands for nothing, completely spineless so no surprise they are hemorrhaging support.
Are there any Australian public Lithium mining companies that are growing? I have looked a couple of times, nothning extensive and they all are in decline.
That’s the thing, people don’t want to. Critical thinking for one it takes more physical energy, which is a impediment. People want to belong as it can be very difficult to thrive being excluded, so there can be an advantage to just go along with the dominate narrative. Hence why we are getting a onslaught of propaganda like this twitter post.
Teaching critical thinking skills it not a solution. People are not getting fooled, they want to believe it, it fills an emotional need.
Neo-liberal solutions to societal issues focusing on individuals has been a complete disaster. It is basically victim blaming and doesn’t actually scale in many circumstances.
Eg. High house prices; Victims fault for not working harder and saving more. Neo-liberal solution: Work longer, spend way less. Outcome at scale: Economy crashes due to low spending.
I could only quickly find https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/feb/24/plastic-packaging-increases-fresh-food-waste-study-finds for a reference to this wrap study. It mentions
Wrap studied the five items: apples, bananas, broccoli, cucumber and potatoes, stored in the original packaging and loose, and at different temperatures.
I don’t think this a good selection of items to demonstrate plastic doesn’t extend product shelf life. Personally I actually put a lot of veg in resealable bags to extend how long it lasts. Overall it definitely works for me.
I can only go back as far as Howard, so my personal take is Albo; easily. There is lying on policy which is the norm but lying on values makes him the worst. He championed himself being the kid raised by single mum in a housing commision who was going to be strong on the strong. It was all BS.
Federal Labor must be getting nervous about next years election. Neo-liberlisim born of the 80’s is dead and the biggest flag bearer of this is Labor. Aligning slightly to the left of the right-wing rejection of neo-liberlisim is not a winning strategy in theory nor in practice. If is wasn’t for Dutton next election Labor would be gone for sure.
You missed about how to make a living just writing bare facts. Journalists clearly are not upto the task so hopefully the tech sector can get some LLMs trained up so I get query it for information rather than the crap so called journalists currently broadcast.
Hence in the upcoming election preference LNP/ALP last. The C-class of these companies will coordinate with these political parties to reduce the influence of employees in the workplace, so they can exploit the excess productivity for there own personal gain.
The “manipulation” is normal bookmaking. Adjust the odds to entice gamblers to wager their money so the losers of a wager payout the winners of a wager and the bookmakers make money on the spread. So if there is a few big bets for Trump, Polymarket will readjust the odds to balance the equation.
Exposes people who I wouldn’t want to associate with. The people upset at Lidia would definitely be more likely to screw me over to gain favour with someone more influential. Those don’t align with my morals.
F these managers. It is simply impossible to monitor these type of systems with 100% attention for the vast majority of the population for long periods of time - literally rarely anything happens. It needs a consistant rotation of staff and guarenteed the business will not pay for it. Instead they blame the employees when it is them who are putting the safety of the public at risk.
I don’t work with these signalling systems but have done similar type of tasks. Everyone knows it is not possible but the higher ups know they will never be made responsible for failures so these problems will persist.
I am down to home-brand branded icecream. Used to buy the [supermarket expensive] ice cream but now they are all above the price threshold I am prepared to pay.
Run my own email server - on same box. I don’t know much about email reputation, just know enough and lucky enough to not get my email delivered to spam folder at google mail. Given the AU$ was so weak it became cheaper to host in Au. Excluding the really cheap stuff - i.e. US$2 a month. Not concerned with server monitoring; Azure goes down more often than the cheap crap I use.
I serve static content on a Quantum Core VPS. AU$5 a month. So far I cannot complain, though I am more of a self-hoster than using saas products.
Labor had control of Federal, WA,QLD,NSW,VIC,ACT governments and achieved basically nothing from your list. They had the opportunity do it and those chose to do nothing. Yes they are better then LNP but if they where to form a coalition LLNP the population would notice the difference.
Labor supporters complain about the media for why the party cannot implement their vision but while in power instead of taking them on the media’s corporate propaganda broadcasted largely over public electromagnetic frequencies at heavily discounted rates; Labor decided to give it to Google instead.