• 35 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 1st, 2023


  • They are populated by a lot of misogynistic and sexually frustrated guys trying so hard to overcompensate what little manliness they think they have. The kind that think it’s OKAY for THEM to cheat but not the other way around.

    There was a dude from TikTok recently that’s going to get sentenced for life for murdering his wife and someone she was seeing. His reason? He tried using provocation and his emotional instability as the reason. Like, fuck you dude, you’re insecure and you didn’t use your brain power to divorce and dump her but instead you got to go and kill her?

    Now imagine that shit amplified if Republicans or Trump get into office. Women left and right would not only be imprisoned in relationships or even marriages to guys that presumably lied about themselves to get their way with these women. But now guys would have practical immunity if they even think the woman they’re dating with is cheating to kill them.

  • We’ve tried for years to tell them, without political sway or swagger, that the direction they’re going in with this poor excuse of a ‘man’ is devastating them inward and outward. The laundry list of evidence is there.

    But all that they’re going to do is yell at us about how we’re a part of Deep State, our news is ‘FAKE’, our findings are from sources distrusted by them. That because we’re smarter than them by being informed, their insecurity levels will reach all time highs and we’ll be threatened against through use of force by their choice.

    These are really the kinds of people that just has to learn the hard way. They’re the kind of people that stay behind during tornadoes and hurricanes as they all go “wow…that’s amazing” as everything is destroyed around them and they’re at high risk of being taken along for a painful ride.

  • Fuck them. It’s their choice. This conman will sell them all out again when he gets the chance.

    This voterbase of his are living in an entire universe of their own from ours. They’ve been convinced that any negative that happens, is “winning” against their opposers. The easily duped. The mislead. The fools. They know not any better even in the face of reason and logic. Even as their friends and family have died, gotten jailed or been fucked over by the very party they continue voting for who lied to them about how they were going to “make this country great again”.

    So at this point, these people are systematically committing suicide by political association.

  • I don’t really know where you’re getting the idea that nobody can joke anymore on serious matters. I see it all of the time, go look at Reddit for example and browse r/news. There’s always at least 50 people making punchline jokes on otherwise serious matters.

    The problem is when people expect their jokes to fly in the faces of communities that explicitly state that they don’t want that crap around. Then when the people who joke around are offended, in come cries about freedom of this and freedom of that. Dude, it’s one community, cut it out and go elsewhere. Not everyone should have to tolerate your low-hanging fruit kind of humor.

    And a lot of the time too, is that people absolutely DO NOT know when something is stepping over the line. It’s the fault of the individual for not making the line apparent, but when they do, there’s a point where joking is not warranted.

  • Because the [13] students included as the result of Monday’s amendment are not in good standing, we cannot responsibly vote to award them degrees at this time. In coming to this determination, we note that the express provisions of the Harvard College Student Handbook state that students who are not in good standing are not eligible for degrees. We also considered the inequity of exempting a particular group of students who are not in good standing from established rules, while other seniors with similar status for matters unrelated to Monday’s faculty amendment would be unable to graduate.

    Okay so, if this was your reason, why not have come forward about these than specifically targeting the group of people based on what side of an international conflict they picked?