• 1 Post
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 14th, 2024


  • This is why they are being downvoted.

    I wish one time someone who hates all the newer stuff would give a real reason why and not some lame blanket statement about it.

    Plenty of people have given real reasons that aren’t blanket statements. Some people have soent way more time than the movies deserve pointing out the issues with the new movies.

    Heck, I spent a few minutes making a comment as a reply to theirs covering the basic issues that is far more than a blanket statement, and that was just the objectively bad stuff that I remembered off the top of my head.

  • It takes more than zero dollars to prepare media for a new format, like streaming.

    Many old series did not have contracts that covered streaming, since it didn’t really exist at the time.

    Many old series had music licensed for a specific format, and they would need to renegotiate those contracts for the new medium.

    That is why some series have made it to streaming but with replacement music or are only available to buy but not be included in netflix or hulu as part of a subscription. Others haven’t made it because the company either thinks they won’t make their money back or they are working on something that they expect will make more money first.

  • They probably saved 30 billion through sales and got even more worth out of finding the games they really enjoy that they may have never even tried without the sales.

    I can confidently say that I spend less per year on games now than 25 years ago, very rarely regret a purchase, and don’t bother with refunds (which I hear are easy) because if I buy three games for cheap and spend all my time on one then I got my money’s worth.

    Hell, I spend less each year than my wife spends on switch games and get way more entertainment out of it.