I am also the snoring partner. I ended up having a sleep study done and I’ve now been using a CPAP machine for the last few years, it took care of my snoring and improved the quality of my sleep significantly.
I am also the snoring partner. I ended up having a sleep study done and I’ve now been using a CPAP machine for the last few years, it took care of my snoring and improved the quality of my sleep significantly.
Certainly feels that way. What is happening to America? It’s like everyone has ignored history and is in danger of repeating the horrors of the past
I’d say go see it. We loved it. I think it’s probably partly that some people might not catch the tone of the movie, especially Mark Ruffalos character being a parody of several people at once.
Just watch it without any reviews or prior knowledge and enjoy it for what it is.
Yeah that’s fair. Everyone is just focused on the punishment side of imprisonment. You tend to forget they are still humans instead of animals or just numbers.
Proper justice for those inside has to be a good thing right? I’m not really familiar with how it was but needing to provide an appropriate level of evidence to carry out additional punishment has to be a fairer better option?
Good step. Can they go back and also remove the launcher requirements for some of their older games too?
When has privatisation ever led to cheaper prices? We all know it’s just so their buddies running these companies can take control of a service that everyone requires
Gotta love the unnecessary subscription for basic controls as well. Just kept getting better and better.
I mean you guys can try voting him out next election if the assassination idea doesn’t work out
I’ll have to psyche myself up to even consider trying that one, but I’ll put it on the list and hope it alters my view of him as an actor.
I’m glad I’m not the only person who feels this way. He lacks a wide range of acting ability, he has only one mode and that’s “angry black guy”. No subtlety of any kind, no range.
Test releases in different qualities too. 4k is nice, but often it’s overkill. 1080p or 720p most stuff depending how much I care. Sometimes aiming for smaller encodes by a different group, see what works for you.
Hey, some of us prefer only the bloodiest of diamonds. Still dripping if possible. /s
It makes sense. It’s a valuable resource that the country should own as a whole. Make it work to improve the country, not just a small group of individuals bank balances
I suppose it’s one group that they know won’t be selling data back to the American government
Yeah makes sense. Gaining the ability to hunt and eat meat is what allowed homo sapiens to evolve according to the article. That ability to reliably have food by being an omnivore would have been a boon to development rather that being tied to the growth cycle of the local plant life, and the protein boost too.
I find it amusing that Americans trust Chinese social media over American businesses.
Yeah metallic butt plug when you know you’re having an MRI? People are incredibly stupid
Yeah it’s clearly an attempt to capitalise on people being confused by the title. Coz nobody sees “directed by ewe boll” and rushes to watch it.
Edit: can’t spell
Man receives $50 in compensation payout after lawyer fees /s