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Cake day: May 3rd, 2024


  • If I do a job efficiently that doesn’t mean my boss should then get to then extract free labor out of me. It’s why hours alone are a poor way of judging labor value, and it results in a vicious cycle of demanding more and more productivity from workers with them getting less for it.

    I think the work day for most types of work should be shortened with no reduction in pay because it’s been proven that many industries can reduce the work week to 32 hours with no drop in productivity, and in fact it comes with savings for the business (ex. less time running facilities and services, better use of resources).

    If a customer is provided a quote before hand then that should just be the price, if the contractor can’t provide what was promised in the time frame they themselves gave then that’s on them.

    There needs to come a point where the workers themselves start receiving the benefits of their own efficiency – when time is created it should be workers who get that time back for themselves, instead what we see is that the CEOs syphon up all that extra time for themselves and either work less or convert it into money for their own pocket.

  • I’d imagine it’s connected to both. Russia and China are the main antagonists to US hegemony, hoping they’ll get to be the next empire if they can drive enough of a wedge between western allies and get enough debt colonialism going in SA and Africa.

    So yeah, they are fostering crisis, authoritarian sentiment, and spinning anti-democratic narrative wherever they can, but Israel’s genocide and complete disregard for things like the ICC/ICJ (the kinds of institutions upon which the post-war rules based order is supposed to rest) has only further degraded US international standing. Biden vetoing UN resolutions and chastising the international courts for investigating Israel does not help.

    Biden’s whole election schtick was that he was there to reassure the rest of the world after Trump’s carastrophic administration, and now he’s showing his ass anyway.

  • You do understand Haiti is being run by gangs at the moment, right? Close to a hundred thousand people have fled the capital city, this isn’t some righteous revolution or something, it’s a bunch of small time fascists taking advantage of a weak state and an unwillingness by the US to get involved try to seize power.

    The UN and US are providing funding to help Kenya provide some kind of security. Whats your alternative? Let Haiti burn?

  • No, the point they’re avoiding is that the word “war” is pretty obviously being used to make it seem as if these are two equal sides fighting it out. That’s why the media continues to use the word “war” to describe what’s happening, to make it seem like Israel is somehow justified in what they are doing and that the Gazans have some kind of agency here. It’s an attempt to normalize genocide.

    In reality it isn’t a war, it’s a slaughter in a territory where Israel controls everything already and where they are indiscriminately killing civilians, decimating civilian infrastructure (hospitals, schools, bakeries, bulldozing cemetaries etc.) and choking off aid with the deliberate aim of inflicting as much death and suffering on the people of Gaza as possible.

    If I have someone tied up and am pummeling them in the face that’s not a “fight”, just like bombing fish in a barrel is not a 'war". It’s just right wing propaganda-speak and it needs to stop.