You’re an idiot.
You’re an idiot.
Ridiculous article with ridiculous assertions. I don’t know any Christians that desire a ‘Christian America’, and I live in the Bible Belt. The reason is because Christians understand that Christianity comes in many flavors; Baptists don’t want Methodists making the rules, Catholics don’t want Protestants in charge, etc. Article is simple inflammatory click bait.
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An aid bill will eventually be passed. Congress must keep their overlords in the military industrial complex happy.
What about coffee baristas?
She should’ve also said that she isn’t suicidal and the brakes on her car are fully operational.
LibreOffice will be happy to fully refund the purchase price.
The UK has decided that they have historical claims to the US, so they will begin their invasion soon.
The US should pay the bills of everyone else. Also, everyone that comes to the US should get free shit. Also, everyone should have the same standard of living regardless of their individual talent and efforts.
That Tracy Chapman Fast Car duet with Luke Combs on the Grammys got me. I remember listening to Fast Car when it came out and relating to it in a big way. Mainly because I was very young, married with a child, broke, and scared to death I wouldn’t be able to give my family a good life. All these years later, it was great to see that Tracy is ok, and so are we.
Getting downvoted in the Fediverse.
His handlers won’t allow him to debate. I don’t like Biden, but propping him up like this reeks uncomfortably of elder abuse.
The Yankees would sign you to a lucrative 10 year deal.
Edit. But their catcher would quit.
I would love to use FB Marketplace, but not enough to have a FB account.
Girl You Know It’s True- Milli Vanilli
Poking the bear won’t turn out well for Iran.
Ask Saddam Hussein.
Ask Muammar Gaddafi.
So if an Android user texts with an iPhone user, Bard has data on both users. Great. /s
If only Harry had installed a CO2 detector…
What will happen to the salt?
Just because you have access to the internet doesn’t mean you should post your dumbass opinion.