👽Dropped at birth from space to earth👽


  • 21 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • I could see them just having this as an option in a native client application. It could even let you pick and choose which instances, creators or videos you seed, perhaps even a “Seed This Video” button on the next video endscreen.

    I think that less people would agree if it was a sort of “black box” of seeding, but I reckon a lot more people than you would think would go for it if they get to choose.

    (Good) Pirates are already used to paying for their content with bandwidth and power usage ;)

  • The attribution that it has to do with intelligence, when in my eyes it comes down to luck (as far as how severe it impairs someone)? Labelling the existences of ‘low-functioning’ autistic people as a “darkness”? It feels like this is buying into the concept that if you just try hard enough, you won’t be disabled.

    The point of curb cuts is that the world was redesigned to accomodate those in wheelchairs. We need society to meet us where we’re at, not the other way around.

  • I agreed with your entire comment up until this point:

    I think that’s why super smart kids with this brain don’t dysregulate as often, they pull themselves out of the darkness.

    Autism is a spectrum. What you are seeing are kids that have a higher capacity to learn maladaptive coping mechanisms. They’re still dysregulated, they’re just better at hiding it from others. As far as being “smart”, this often gets used against them. The number of times my parents were told “She’s not applying herself enough” when I was getting Bs & Cs with an A here and there. They all thought I was coasting, but if my sensory needs were ever addressed I probably would have been getting straight As.