Why 4 years? Edit: oh… Oh no.
Build a thousand bridges & you will never be a bridge builder. Sell sub-par copper ingots and your name becomes a meme - forever.
That reminds me: what is the closest community to r/angryupvote?
I know you meant to have an /s but for anyone who has this suggested to them:
Its a good read.
Who is this Gary? I hate him already.
Plumbers tape tied in a bow. At least it’s easy to remove.
Corruption is a serious problem but it is a different problem. It is possible to help Ukraine without corruption. A bit of extra transparency would be a nice “fuck you” when fighting a very corrupt regime.
Would your prefer a potato?
Send weapons.
If you like applied Science I highly recommend breaking taps
Is this the start of a zombie movie?
Or the longer version: