Κάποτε κράζαμε το PS3 που ήταν αρχικά 600€. Αχχχχχχ πόσο άλλαξαν οι καιροί.
Προσωπικά δεν με πολυ νοιάζει πλέον τι κάνει η Apple καθώς ξέρω ότι δεν θα αγοράσω ποτέ προιόν της.
Απ’ οτι θυμάμαι, την φοβία αυτή την έχω από 5 χρονών επειδή μου είχε επιτεθεί ένα σκυλί, δεν θυμάμαι όμως εάν με είχε όντως δαγκώσει τότε. Γενικώς τα μικρότερα δεν τα φοβάμαι τόσο αλλά περισσότερο παίζει ρόλο αν έχει λουρί η όχι.
Έχω φοβία στα σκυλιά.
The only REAL Mozilla logo
Αντί να ασχολούμαστε με τους ανθρώπους που χάνουν τα σπίτια και την ζωή τους κάθε χρόνο απ’ τις φωτιές, ασχολούμαστε με την κάθε μαλακία έτυχε να πει ο τάδε. ΜΜΕ σε όλο το μεγαλείο τους.
Battlefield isn’t a milsim. Aside from the few milsim communites that have existed over the years and mods like Project Reality, Battlefield games were never really the most realistc deptiction of warfare.
Librewolf is hardened out of the box whereas with Firefox, you have to harden it yourslf
Μόνο στο χωριό μου
It’s SUSSY Linux time
Why are you still using uMatrix in 2024? Wasn’t it discontinued 3 years ago or smth?
A Xiaomi smartwatch. I never found any good use for its “smart” features and I had to charge the fucking thing all the time. So I ended up dropping it after a year in favor of a regular digital watch.
Because it is. And I say that as a Greek myself.
Greece has been ruled by corrupt politicians for pretty much its entire modern history. Rich people never get prosecuted for the crimes they commit, heath and education are severely underfunded with outdated equipment, badly maintained facilities and underpaid personnel, press freedom is deteriorating and governments push for neoliberal “reforms” like these.
Nowadays, pretty much yes. I more or less use the command line as much as I did on windows. Of course things like installing software via the repos is more efficient via the command line, but most GUI tools will work perfectly fine for most people.
Great arena shooter all around even excluding the fact that’s FOSS. Used to play it with a 2012 Intel i5 and HD 2500 integrated graphics on 1080p medium settings and was averaging around 80-90 FPS on default maps.
Now I don’t know what kind of GPU do you have, but I bet that it would probably just fine on low settings and maybe at a lower resolution.
Another thing worth mentioning is that you may have trouble finding populated games with good ping if you live outside of Europe.
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Of course the whole “encourage Putin to attack other European nations” thing is stupid in typical Trump fashon, but less american imperialism is always welcome.
That would be a good thing.
I’ve daily driven every major DE except KDE (GNOME, Xfce, MATE, Cinnamon) and I always ended up switching back to xfce. I’m not a fan of GNOME’s workflow and since it’s not that customizable without extensions, that made me switch from it very quickly. I used Cinnamon on Mint for a few months and while the experience was mostly fine, it sometimes felt a bit laggy. As for MATE, while I love the GNOME 2 layout and it’s a relatively lightweight DE, I encountered plenty of visual bugs there and I could very easily replicate that GNOME 2 layout on Xfce (without a system menu, but still).