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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023

  • Did you even bother to find out how Aristotle’s world bothered to define “race” before you decided to use him as a prop to hide behind, genius? Was it cultural? Biological? Did they have a “One-drop” rule?

    while “race” was a nebulous concept then as well, (i mean take white for example, useless in Europe) what he described was more akin to the “biological race” of today.

    but you don’t actually care about the function of systems of bigotry, do you? because your entire world view only works in the VERY specific, VERY American context, my grandfather was what people toss into the group people call gypsy (was Romani), he was no darker than any other Italian, by your understanding of racism he should have been fine, because he had the same “whiteness” as the other Italians, in reality, he survived because a priest helped smuggle him to Spain forging paperwork in order to cross France.

    Fact is that racism has existed long before “whiteness” was even a concept, you have a 100% American lens and like every American believe you are the literal world, you can not fathom the very idea that anything happened before America existed, so you have this full on chauvinist understanding of racism, I will say this again because your education system has failed you, scientific racism is just the modern application of divine right racism, in fact the divine right racism was what justified colonialism long before anyone even bothered with scientific racism, scientific racism only appearing some 200 years after the start of colonialism mainly because the power of the church went on a stark decline.

  • tit-for-tat works in a larger setting as well, in fact it works better because you can ostracize and punish.

    you know, like WHAT IS LITERALLY HAPPENING AS WE SPEAK!? do you think greed-flation just happened out of nowhere?

    but no, like every libertarian, you propose the destruction of regulation because you promise yourself that somehow people will be better off if they need to waste their lives on crap. “you didn’t put weeks of research into the three bio-med testing labs to ensure they wouldn’t lie about the insulin, I guess you should die now, lol”, and you know how I can tell you’re an American? BECAUSE LITERALLY NO NE ELSE HAS THIS ISSUE. yes, this issue is entirely an American thing because you’re the main drivers of the deregulation and reactionary enforcement that has lead to insulin costing you $500 for a 2-week supply, and your reaction is to make the US into more of a banana republic by destroying the goverment even more.

  • so you fall into the camp of not knowing the consequences.

    the issue inherently is that the power imbalance of stuff like wealth inequality, coupled with material conditions, always end up curtailing the freedoms of those who are not on top, ironically making them less free (bit of an irony, eh?)

  • Are we discussing a situation in which only the FDA is gone, or complete anarchy?

    the premise was no government services paid for by taxes, and without taxes there are no government anything.

    Do you believe that regulatory capture is bullshit?

    regulatory capture is commonly trodden out by people as an example of big government bad, when it doesn’t happen as often as these people like to pretend it does (take, for example, your misconception that the FDA is the cause of high insulin prices), not the fact that it is just a failure to deal with corruption.

    People knowing about a prisoner’s dilemma doesn’t make it go away.

    that’s the fun part tho, both parties knowing about the prisoner’s dilemma DOES make it go away, as the most successful models, over a longer set of games, tend to be Tit-for-Tat models

  • ah yes, use the totally legit bio-med test service down the road, due to the FTC not being a thing they can totally and without any repercussions just lie to you because they have a deal with the person selling you the insulin.

    Then again, you have been hoodwinked into some “regulatory capture” bullshit, in reality, insulin is so expensive in the USA because no one has the capital wants to sell it cheap, it’s a risk for minimal rewards, the demand is literally your life, so the cost can be as high as anyone wants it.

    as for the whole “but the free market” and “supply/demand”, do you think the people setting these prices don’t know what the prisoner’s dilemma is?

  • the concept of “biological race” only exists within the framework invented by white supremacists and no-one else.

    Why is it the people who knows the least about this that are always the first to argue vehemently about it, eh?

    the concept of race and racism in general predates the concept of white supremacy by a long, long time, Aristotle described the Asian race as having low spirit etc…

    the idea of the “white race” didn’t exist until very late 17th to 18th century America, coming about primarily as a way to distinguish oneself from outsiders, hence many groups you would consider “white” weren’t even part of it, e.g. Italians and Irish, Germans until the 19th century (yes the confederates)

    Fundamentally, Race is a pre-nation state notion that many of the modern nation states are built on, so if you see a 800BCE righting talk about a group of people, it’s basically always race and racism, scientific racism is just a continuation and further attempt to justify this and not inherently special in terms of racism, because fundamentally it’s just the application of the currently accepted idea of how you describe the world onto racism.

  • Then this should be easy for you - prove the existence of this “yellow supremacy” that (somehow) grew up independently from the west’s (yes - as in the West’s) “race science.”

    we got:

    The Japanese, whose racism dates back several hundred years before they had any meaningful contact with “the west” (for example the heavenly blessed Japanese being aided by the divine wind to stop the invading mongols TWICE).

    The Chinese, Han suprematism played a key part in the overthrow of the Mongol Yuan dynasty and lead to the Ming dynasty.

    the Ottoman Empire was literally controlled by an “elite race” of people who were decedents from the original Osman tribe

    and that’s just off the top of my head, all race science did was take the same societal structures that used to be “divinely ordained” and use pseudo-science to legitimize them since the power of individual religious group tended to decline