Less evil for whom? The Arabs who lost family and friends to this war? Once you cross the threshold of genocide, does it even matter anymore? From an Arab’s perspective, it’s like asking what is worse, the Tasmanian genocide (which killed every full-blooded Tasmanian by 1876) or the Armenian genocide? What does it matter when both were literally the most evil you can get?
I don’t fault American women/minorities for voting in their self interest. Abortion and queer rights was an issue for many people and they voted in for their rights. That’s a fault of the state. But when you lose family, friends, neighbours and country to a genocide, what does it matter? Family is the most important, after food and water. Death of family is extremely traumatic. And then telling those grieving people to go vote for a butcher against their own raging conscience and blaming them for Democrat incompetence is just evil. You voted for your self interest. They for theirs.
antonim raised a good point, actually. While I wouldn’t put it past the CIA to do something like this, the fact is that this vague document is hardly evidence of the CIA funding the Hungarian revolution. Besides, a historian would be far more qualified to look at archival material since they’re actually trained to do that.