nabana [they/them]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2022


  • Nah nah, a better way to put it is “”“Holding both the contradictory beliefs and screaming endlessly in a time loop forever about how you’re going to make them face the fucking wall for their crimes but also in this one instance of a completely different situation that is unrelated in almost every fuckin way they aren’t automagically the enemy (any more than usual for being capitalist fascist pieces of shit just like yesterday when we weren’t currently at ‘active’ war) because our even worse capitalist institutions say so while the entire world gaslights you into pretending a country that was shooting LGBT people in the street for being “removed” or whatever during their most recent coup/revolution/fascist takeover is actually the “Pro-LGBT war ‘team’ that you need to support by sending direct military aid today by calling the number on your screen now, that’s 1800-RATHEOMARTIN” (despite all the articles and videos of their 2014-2020ish journalism literally being living proof against their current talking point and even popping up in the related articles for modern puff pieces about the new heroes-in-swastikas until you’re convinced you’re living in a simulation where you just loop the previous wars arguments over and over and over again every day forever.”“” is what half of being a leftist actually is.

  • As a former STEM lord who quit Aero eng in their third year because I didn’t wanna make weapons for capitalists, they’re 100000000% a symptom of our society (but one we will still have to eliminate in a socialist one, but not nearly the same way/magnitude) rather than a something endemic to all societies.

    STEM lords as we have them are a result of the same shit that makes incels, that makes reply guys, that makes debate bros, that makes twitter wine moms, etc.

    There’s a reason most of those things have huge overlaps with each other, and it’s the crossroads of what America enshrines as it’s values. Ignorance coupled with arrogance. These are problems every society faces but America in particular goes out of it’s way to nourish them in it’s population in order to fuel it’s culture war and consumerism, and as a result it’s uniquely effective at educating those traits into it’s population, especially in unison.

    It’s also why even the most educated of them feels confident enough to “share it’s expertise” on shit it has absolutely no education or involvement with, etc etc. It’s not just the ignorance, it’s not just the arrogance, it’s the combination and the fact that we naturally select FOR it. It’s even celebrated when it fits in the current cultural product, like twitch “celebs” and blue check marks opinions somehow being relevant, conducting interviews, the existence of youtubers, etc etc. The audacity to think that anyone even should hear their take let alone anyone actually wanting to.

    It’s a uniquely individualist mindset fostered by generations of imperial core cultural reform, as you alluded to in the education/general literacy points.

    If you keep those things in mind and look back at scientists like Carl Sagan(a socialist) and listen to the way speak about our society, or look at how soviet scientists and astronauts etc were treated and treated their accomplishments (as done by and for the people, etc) even when they were being celebrated they always fostered the view that it was an accomplishment struggled for by all, that it was shared by them all, and that they were all responsible for it’s risks and rewards. That a rich society had to be rich in huge and varying fields and specialties and that the same was true of people to understand each other, even (perhaps even especially) when they hyper-specialized in the thing they did best or enjoyed or did the most good for “the team”.

  • I went through the absolute fucking song and dance and being the literal luckiest person in the world to actually get diagnosed with ADHD at roughly 30 (no dox no dox), only to find out I was diagnosed while I was in foster care as a child and they just never treated it or told me when I got kicked out into the world upon hitting the magical “we no longer care lol” age. So that was neat. Got my childhood medical records to confirm (different country, never part of the country I was diagnosed in as adult records), literally wanted to stab EVERYONE.

    I cannot fathom how much harder it’d be if I was AFAB or wasn’t exceptionally lucky or had more complexity than ‘just’ ADHD.

    I still drive 3 hours to see that doctor twice a year and do phone health visits the rest of the time specifically just because every other doctor I’ve met sees medication as “only necessary to make you more productive for your employer lol” and not maintaining your quality of life, gym and cooking habits, personal hygiene and social norms vs hyperfocus binges sessions, sleep routine, social interactions, etc. and I am fucking terrified of having to start from scratch.