macerated_baby_presidents [he/him]

  • 6 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 29th, 2023


  • You’re right about Barbie (I haven’t seen Oppenheimer). The jokes were good but even an uncritical reading of its message fails. It needed to articulate a real theory of change through collective action, not vague “trick the men somehow”, but it couldn’t be revolutionary because it was at its core an ad for Mattel toys (and GM electric vehicles lol). I was honestly amazed to hear arguments about how it’s impossible for women to meet the contradictory feminine ideal applied in genuine defense of a DOLL. Extremely clever, pernicious co-optation. Punching left with the wokescold caricature girl to attack radical feminism seals the deal for me. Pink bloc and Hi Barbies! are important; the movie intends to bring “feminism” to everyone by having it mean nothing (and by enormous advertising spend).

    However we need to put this in the site header carousel messages right away:

    I probably am in the top 20% of grass touchers on this site

  • They’re still pushed for the reasons you mentioned, but I think an experiential or specialty shop gift card - ideally something that the person would consider an indulgence and wouldn’t go to on their own - can be a fine gift. The recipient “gets” the experience of shopping without guilt/thriftiness, and they pick something they like within the bounds of the gift. E.g. you could give somebody a certificate to a small Etsy seller and they can pick jewelry that matches their outfits, or to a fancy truffle shop and they will avoid buying flavors they don’t particularly like. Coupon for glassblowing or cooking class? Cool gift. But it’s got to demonstrate thought, a Target gift card sucks and multi-store gift cards like the picture are just money with extra steps

  • Lmao, no my dudes, it’s pretty well understood that you need to keep the battery warm enough to be able to charge. This is not some fucking unexplored field of science!

    Anybody who owns a phone knows that charging a lipo heats it up; it’s natural - and mostly correct! - to assume that charging when cold works. What these people don’t know is that charging far below freezing damages the battery, which is why the firmware presumably is disabling charging altogether in such cold temperatures. If your EV is at 30% in the extreme cold, use some battery energy to warm it up a little (e.g. by driving) and then charge. If it’s at 0%, you’re stuck until you get it warm somehow.

    instead some system that “runs the motor inefficiently to heat up the battery”. Doesn’t sound like this can work when the car is stationary

    why not? isn’t an electric motor just a big resistor? Give it less than the inrush current, so there’s power spent but not enough to move. Obviously it’d be better to have the waste heat generated at the battery instead of at the motor, but discharge heating is better than nothing and battery resistance looks similar to phase resistance so it won’t be too lopsided.

    Teslas are some of the worst EVs out there but my ICE is also eating shit right now without a block heater (which are usually aftermarket and require an outlet to plug into). The engineering omission was not including a battery heater with external power - perhaps they assumed that if you were able to drive to a charging station you’d have enough power to warm the battery.

  • I don’t mean to call you a hypocrite and expect that to change your mind. All of us live with cognitive dissonance; I adopted a cat before I went vegan, and I still feed him meat. What I want to do is establish that since you have no demonstrated interest in animal liberation (and presumably a vested interest in continuing to eat animals), you can’t criticize individual veganism on grounds of effectiveness. It’s like liberals saying “protestors should quit blocking bridges because they piss people off”. That might be true but their interest is going about their day, not whatever the protestors are protesting for; we can’t treat them as honest debaters who just want the best for the movement.