loaExMachina [any]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 27th, 2022


  • loaExMachina [any]@hexbear.nettomemes@hexbear.netGorge?
    8 months ago
    • Winston : "[RESiTANCE], atta-

    • Gorge: What, what was that you were trying to do with your silly stand ?

    • Winston: At- A- …

    • Gorge: FUTILE! My stand, [BIG BROTHER], has already removed this word from your vocabulary, thus removinge the concept from your mind! You can no longer ȃ̵̪t̷͉̉ṫ̶̪̬͆ä̷̡́c̷̛͚͉k̵̬̏͑!

  • I’ve not personally dealt with this addictions, but in wait of better answer, here’s what I do when I try to drop a bad/addictive habit: 1- Make it less convenient, so I don’t do it without thinking. Like, to reduce my use of some social media I deleted the apps. It doesn’t keep me from opening them up in a browser, but it means doing so will always be a conscious action, and not automatic wandering of my fingers when I’m bored with a phone in my hands. In your case, it could mean uninstalling the games.

    2- Have an alternative close at hand. Maybe if there’s something else you don’t dislike doing that wouldn’t be as bad? Like, maybe put a shortcut for a creative program you’ve wanted to learn how to use where the shortcut for your favourite game used to be, or put a book you’ve wanted to read right below your computer screen, so next time you find yourself looking for your game, you’ll find these things more convenient than reinstalling it.

    3- Spend more time outside. Ideally with other people, but if that’s not an option, at least get familiar with welcoming public places such as libraries around your home, and try not to go immediately home from work or studies and maybe go there to do whatever you can do there rather than in your home, like read, study or some types of work you might do on a laptop.

  • I haven’t posted or commented on Reddit since over a month, but I haven’t deleted my account yet. I have consulted Reddit a few times since, notably when it showed up in the results for a question I was looking up, or to see the posts from the r/Askhistorians weekly roundup (of which I follow the RSS feed). While the way I’ve been using Reddit lately doesn’t require an account, I’m unsure of whether I intend to delete mine; partly because if for whatever reason, I needed to post a question somewherebit will get a big audience, that’s the biggest I can currently get, and partly because I don’t want all my great posts and comments of the past to be lost to history…