laziestflagellant [they/them]

  • 13 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2022


  • I guess I mean more in the critical view of the vanilla game (main story quest is insipid and nonsensical, mage progression is very badly balanced and unfun, leveling as a whole is a crapshoot, draugr deathlords and other boss enemies are unfun damage sponges, dragons are easily distracted idiots, world is comprised of 80% bandit population, etc).

    Honestly if Skyrim modding wasn’t so mature and (relatively) approachable, the criticisms would be harsher, but considering that these days you can download preassembled modpacks that turn the game into 4KHD SEKIRO COMBAT ENB GLOBAL ILLUMINATION PARALLAX NEXT GEN REALISM HDT JIGGLE PHYSICS AND HARDCORE SURVIVAL that probably makes the average player pretty unconcerned with what the vanilla game is like.

  • I feel like a hbomberguy video would be kind of redundant when the Palworld developers are pointing directly at the media conglomerate across the room and announcing at the top of their lungs “WE’RE COPYING THIS. WE ARE DIRECTLY RIPPING OFF POKEMON BUT EDGY. WE ARE MAKING POKEMON WITH GUNS. WISHLIST ON STEAM TODAY”.

    Edit: That being said, if Palworld really did rip geometry from pokemon 3D models (and things are looking pretty bad on that front), they have a lot more to worry about than hbomberguy.

  • It’s so fucking weird to me that the entire storyline and gameplay mechanics are built around the RickenMorty multiverse nihilism, in which in your relationships with the factions and characters fundamentally do not matter. They’re all just set pieces for you to occasionally go ‘huh neat’ when you roll an interesting multiverse version of them before being tossed aside.

    In order for ANYONE to care about the characters and universe enough to mod more content into this game, you would need to remove the mutliverse aspect, but that’s it, that’s what the game is all about and building towards.

    But even with the multiverse being the focus there’s still no content to make doing the new game plus loops worthwhile. TWENTY FUCKING PROCGEN DUNGEONS

    What the hell even is Starfield. How did this happen