If they want to commit to ruining it, they could get Kathleen Kennedy
If they want to commit to ruining it, they could get Kathleen Kennedy
That is quite a price hike on lifetime… going from $119 USD TO $249 USD…
No love for Double Dragon?
I hope someone backed it up so it can be reinstated one day
What is the temperature, how is the weather… probably like 80% of other Alexa users
You don’t think you would like it based on a review from a random person on the internet?
I thought it was pretty good… so weird and fresh. Solid 7.5/10 and definitely one I am glad I saw on the big screen
My take from the article is that there is no future for a kid wanting to become a developer. He said that work for junior devs hardly exists, so I guess if there won’t be junior devs, then the current batch of senior devs will eventually disappear with no junior devs to replace them.
Australian here… I saw a Tesla the other day and the owner had put a sign in the window that driving a Tesla wasn’t supporting the CEO
If workload LIKE ‘%AI%’ then ignore
is part of the plan so if they lose the next election, the opposition has to spend 4 years trying to fix everything while they get called out for wasting money?
Why can’t customers just pay for a service that does exactly what they want from another country?
deleted by creator
A bloke who has $400b needs more billions
is he using it to buy TRUMP coin?
I never had any luck with zigbee USB dongles. All my devices would just continually fall over and it was a massive pain getting them back talking. Someone ended up recommending me the Zigstar UZG-1 which is a network Poe device, and I have never had a problem since. It has been up and problem free now for about half a year.
As it isn’t plugged into your device, you should also eliminate the issue trying to get it to work in docker
Pretty sure Apple has a few lawyers
Apple should have just shut down all services to the country and let the constituents sort it out. Australia tried a similar thing with Facebook with the Government trying to strong arm them into media deals… Facebook just chopped off all Australian media and it got rolled back shortly after. Not siding with anyone in the Facebook one as it was a pretty grubby situation all round, but I think Apple has the edge
To give the non alpha males a go at the getting the girls