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Joined 22 days ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2024


  • You keep repeating it because a false dichotomy, that you must choose between a D or R, prevents you from accepting that the lesser evil is, in fact, evil. So, you’re stuck on stupid and not asking questions. This should help:

    The Democrats already, quite predictably, ignored the outcome of their primary to nominate Clinton. They’re not going to do a fucking thing that doesn’t make a corporate donor money. All of Sanders proposals took from corporations to provide for humans. He never stood a chance of being nominated as a Democrat and he damned well knew it. If we give him the benefit of the doubt then his goal was education. If not, he rallied for Democrats to avoid the rise of a Labor Party during a critical time in history.

  • If it’s after they’re elected then it’ll run down the line of succession: VP, Speaker of the House, president pro tempore of the Senate, then the cabinet.

    If it’s before they’re elected, I’m no expert but I believe the Democratic and Republican parties are private organizations that can do whatever the fuck they want, even fail to abide by the results of their own primaries.

  • Do you know of any actual metrics/tests done that show this clearly?

    No one probably cared to design a barrel and firing mechanism just for this experiment since maybe the late 1930s. And, I’d guess that possible someone was the US military.

    Honestly, no one really cares. There’s so many variables that change slightly for each cycle of the action. Variables change more for each round, assuming typical ammo. And, there’s a lot of variables that change a helluva lot between humans. After deciding usage and the appropriate round to chamber, one starts picking their pistol based on what feels good in their hand. Those are the ones they’ll shoot most accurately with.

    my physics classes were a long time ago

    The hardest part by far is visualizing a graph. Force is the y axis. Time is the x axis. A line represents a changing force over time called an impulse.

    Impulse 1: acts with a force of 1000 Newtons for 0.01 second

    Impulse 2: acts with a force of 10 Newtons for 1 seconds

    The impulse magnitude is the integral, the area under the curve of the graph of force over time. The math is easy for these situations because they’re rectangles: 10 x 1 and 1000 x 0.01.

    Both impulses have the same magnitude: 10 Newton x seconds. Both impulses, applied upon a mass, can do the same amount of work. Both impulses could be the equal and opposite reactions to firing the same round if fired from different pistols.

    The revolver delivers a short, violent, mess of peaks and vallies along a big peak. The modern semi auto delivers a smooth increase to a lower plateau that falls off just as smoothly. The modern semi auto takes much longer deliver the same magnitude impulse.

    But, a human brain and body doesn’t care much about “much longer” when it’s still “instant”. The brain and body care about the how high the peak is and how “messy” (signal noise).

  • Stupider or wiser relative what? If we measure against a what it takes to live a wise life at the time then people are definitely getting stupider (and you are absolutely correct). The wisdom required is rising much more quickly than the wisdom possessed.

    You made me think more about pot smokers. I think you’re correct. Even in my own observation they’re a much more diverse group than I present. And, I bet a lot of them keep their habit totally private.

    I came down on you pretty hard there. I think you saw I wasn’t attacking you personally. You received it so well you even changed my perspective.

    This is why I’ve faith in humanity. We’ve still got the special sauce.