janny [they/them]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Yes, the workers are wrong.

    This is a better way to do it. Unfortunately, many waiters really do come out ahead with tipping, especially those working at higher end restaurants, conventionally attractive by euro standards, or just really good people skills, so they argue tipping is good actually. It benefits some individually, but collectively a lot do not end up with more money this way. So yes, alot of waiters start off making less money. The current system while deeply flawed allows people to have careers in waiting where they can start making pretty low wages to making above middle income money. If they work into bar tending then they can make up to 80 an hour on a good day.

    Such career tracks are things you see in logistics and trades. If you want to make a career here you can, the difference being that it offers income mobility without getting a degree making it a far more egalitarian field than most since the “meritocratic” career paths since college overwhelmingly fails poor people, people of color and first generation college students. If it doesn’t fail them then they’ll likely end up underemployed, unemployed out of their field or in so much debt that they might as well be in fast food.

    It’s part of the whole pull yourself up by your bootstraps ideology - yes you theoretically could do better with tipping, but how many do, compared with the many who don’t? But of course restaurantbusinessonline would prefer business owners still be paying less than minimum wage, so they find those workers whose interests for whatever reason line up with theirs.

    the real solution then isn’t abolishing tipping, its abolishing the tipped wage and retaining tipping

  • Now I could be wrong, but getting a an hourly wage as a restaurant worker is FAR better than relying on tips. I feel like either workers in this situation are too obsessed with tips or there’s huge context missing.

    This is cunsoomer propoganda. The tipped wage allows unskilled workers to acheive the heights of middle income without getting college degrees and gives them a career path in retail, plus it makes excel spreadsheet workers and boomers pay extra.

    You can make the arguement that “well actually that 20% should me baked into the price and that should go to the worker”. Which is possibly the most delusional arguement a person could possible make. How many times have companies raised prices on their goods 20% due to increasing labor costs and how many of those companies actually have given that full amount to workers? Approximately 0.

    If you abolished tipped wages tommorow and told bosses to raise prices to compensate they’d turn their workers into fast food workers and pocket the extra 20%. That’s the fate of all non-tipped work.

    If abolishing tipped labor for resturants was so good for workers then ask yourselves why all the fast food resturants with much higher profit margins and much leaner workforces get paid way, waaaaaay less than waiters.

    The real communist politic is to keep the tip and abolish the tipped wage. If that makes restaurants more expensive than good, if a service can’t be provided without poverty wages than it shouldn’t exist.

  • Complete nonsense.

    As we all know, many idol-worshiping peoples have encountered gnomes and through worshiping and offering tribute to these gnomes, these gnomes become the hosts for powerful dark gods who reward their followers generously but are known to be fickle and demanding.

    Silicon Valley is infamous for it’s bizzare polycules and their ottoman haramesque power struggles. Somehow, Sam Altman offended Aella_Girl’s polycule who happened to control the board of open AI.

    Aella_girl is openly in sexual concourse with a series of garden gnomes who she likely worships and has married as it is known that gnomes usually demand a wife or your first born child.

    Proof: https://cashmeremag.com/reddit-gonewild-aella-gnome-cam-53817/

    She likely used the powers of this dark god to remove Sam Altman from the board but likely failed to meet it’s escalating demands or otherwise disappointed this entity and as a result failed to remove him. It is known that when disappoints a gnome or stops worshiping it that one’s fortunes will fall into a rapid decline so if this happens to her then we know what likely happened. Either that or Sam Altman is also in contact with a dark entity of some sort.

  • Honestly while I haven’t followed her political career if I could make a guess the good news is her campaign won’t get anywhere. Internet weirdos really think they can take on a democratic party political machine but I’m sure there’s gonna be an establishment democrat or two that’s gonna see that some internet weirdo is their main left-wing primary component and is gonna say “Game” and flood the race with money so hard that I’d be surprised if she gets a double digit primary vote.

    Even if she does win, unless she’s in a safe state then I’m sure she’ll get cut off by the DNC for daring to run against their anointed democrat and will get absolutely smashed by a car dealership owner.

    This was my first impression before even googling her, I wonder how close/far my speculation is to the truth

  • He used to make pretty good videos parodying infomercials and playing bad horror games but the algorithm turned against medium-short form content and the youtube rules turned against gaming so he’s defacto become a news and drama vlogger, two things he’s generally pretty bad at since most of his takes take about 2 minutes to explain but he has to repeat himself over and over again to get to the 10-15 minute mark and because he’s so afraid to get demonetized or copyright stricken he never shows clips from whatever event he’s talking about so it’s just his face staring into a desktop camera for almost the entire video.

    Otherwise he’s fairly inoffensive if bland and he’s a great way to gauge what the “normies” are talking about since with the death of the monoculture it’s pretty damn hard to figure out what non-political conversations are happening in wider society outside of one’s discord server

  • Gonna make a hot take that I dont think anyone will like but here it goes.

    Literally so what? You don’t need to leave a 5 mile square radius to have a full life. People have lived their entire lives in a 25 square mile area and have had full and fulfilling lives for the entirety of human history.

    We just live in an era of capitalist alienation and dissolution of communities and social ties that gives people a sense of listlessness and we are sold an environmentally unsustainable idea that we can simply release the pressure gauge of alienation and misery by visiting another town and seeing different buildings and trees twice a year for two weeks and our lives are more fulfilling and become more worldly.

    “Wanderlust” is just a symptom of hedonic treadmill and a fundamentally unfulfilling life. For every 1-2K spent on “travel” you could do so many more positive things for yourself and your community that are actually meaningful and valuable.

    Even if you manage to have a good time in one of these other cities, towns or areas all you will do is create a new desire to return to them. A gapping hole of desire that obliterates any attempt to fill it and draws everything around it into a pit of misery.

    Many areas of the world suck and it makes sense to want to relocate.

    But if you can’t find a 5-10 square mile area that you could see yourself living for the rest of your life and never leaving then the problem lies in your own heart and no material possession or amount of travel will ever satisfy you.