Thankfully there are some bright exceptions within the FOSS community like the Lemmy devs
It always comes down to them not really understanding the system they’re valiantly defending. The real bourgeoisie though understand it quite well, the reality of capitalism is much clearer when you’re the one playing it, like Warren Buffet talking about class war.
NATOpedia being NATOpedia
Actual footage of every country the US bombed to submisison
No sound, no original subtitles, no one talking, shown by the BBC.
Source: My balls
I’ll try to remember that when I’m thinking about my impoverished country spending all our heavy tax money on NATO bases and equipment, those damn commies are so war hungry
Damn red fascists wanting genocide to end on a country that is not LQBTQ friendly
These same assremoved would have said “they are a bit extreme when it comes to killing Jews, but you have to admit they had it coming for them with all their greed and stuff” in Nazi Germany
New tagline potential
Nah man pretty sure it’s them homos turning our kids gay
the year the world descended into the next dark age
I’m waiting until the world realises that we’re already in the dark age and that year was 1991 not 2023
In their confusion they became communists
Thankfully actual evolution is a dreadfully slow process. This kind of societal changing can be undone if things change for multiple generations.
I hate seeing the social cannibalism it promotes in everyday life, but it’s a system that will break down on its own, I am hopeful in a strange way about it even though that means that it will get much worse first. A revolution will be a final kick to a pane of glass that’s already shattered.
Ultra pro patriarchy communist party
Just looked up wtf 1488 is
When are the new Nazi killing games coming along? No number of them is enough
On the bright side, if the USA split up because of internal tensions it would probably be easier for individual states to turn socialist, and that would have a ripple effect around them each time
It will work against them over time as people get more effective in union work through real life communication