Adora 🏳️‍⚧️

queer/trans nonbinary comrade with brain issues. he/they.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I read this as someone being real mad that the game is chaotic, and it’s like, that’s the best part about the game to me? There’s no ACTUAL DM, so the next best thing is what in my mind I’m calling the “death loop” system, just being able to go back and load a different save. At a game table the DM would, within reason, find a way to work with PCs being ridiculous; since it’s not possible to truly replicate that, the game just embeds chaos in the decision trees instead. That’s literally what makes it so fun. Most of the time the game is telegraphing what the real dumbass choices are, but I like how it’s not always immediately obvious. It keeps me on my toes. And sometimes I just save before choosing the stupidest option simply because I want to watch that shit play out.

    I just feel like they’ve fundamentally misunderstood the point here.

  • Hi friend. I’m going to be upfront that I didn’t totally follow your post, but I sense a lot of angst here about having thoughts that you believe might be transphobic. It’s okay to experience transphobic thoughts; it’s not okay to avoid critically examining those thoughts or to act on those thoughts. It seems to me that you’re committed to thinking critically about these thoughts when they come up for you, and so I think you’re doing great.

    Before I realized I was trans, I was transphobic - not hostile, but fearful and basically ghosted someone who trusted me enough to come out to me. I regret that to this day. If I could meet that person again, and he still wanted to interact with me, we’d have a lot to talk about now. But I also understand if he wouldn’t want to interact with me ever again - that makes total sense. He trusted me with his truth and I failed him as a friend.

    No one in this world is free of bias. No one’s thoughts are 100% pure and unobjectionable every second of every day. That’s just reality. What matters is our commitment to doing better and being better. What matters is how we behave - how we treat others in spite of the fucked up conditioning we may have had growing up.

    Keep questioning, keep learning. You’re doing great.

  • I’m stressed as hell. I’m sorry you are too. World is on fire, my job melted down this week, my partner may have an inflammatory disease and her contract will be up next summer unless she gets a new job… No idea if we might be moving in the next year… Just spent $2k on my car and there goes my savings… But, I’m hopeful my job we will be better soon, and I’m lucky I have a job that lets me take time off to help my partner. And if we could just get out of summer, and autumn could come…my favorite season, nice cool weather and bright skies - hoping for that, and hoping you find some light too.