Although i use android i really, really don’t want Google stuff on my pc. I use android because it’s the only viable choice on mobile. But on pc I’ll avoid chromium as much a i can. And having installed many roms the hard way before i saw no reason to make an exception.
Plus i don’t like the browser doing something like that where i don’t know what it’s doing. If it was on firefox maybe i would trust it more, but even then…
Here in Port Macquarie I destroyed my back burying some big logs on the sand to stop them. Then they take it back, then I put even more logs and so on. Last time I think I made it very hard to remove. Last time I checked it was still there.
Other people can do this too! You dig a big hole and put the biggest log you find on the beach, then bury it back. I think it helps.
If they just went there to camp and leave it clean it would be fine. But not only they actually take pleasure in destroying as much as possible going in circles, but they leave thrash everywhere.