ferristriangle [he/him]

For legal reasons this is a parody account

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 23rd, 2020


  • No one is attacking your “factual and informative” comment.

    No one is disputing the difficulties you’ve highlighted. What is being disputed is your assertion that those difficulties are relevant to your assertion that China won’t be able to achieve this.

    And the subject of the conversation is a technology that humans have already developed and is in use. So what is it about China/the PRC that would cause you to assert they are incapable of building/employing this technology?

    Your argument is that “Hard science doesn’t care about politics,” so I assume you don’t want to imply that you’re critiquing the capabilities of China’s political system. So what’s left? Is it racism? The removed can’t achieve what other humans have already proven is possible because the removed is subhuman?

    You are making a political statement whether you intend to or not, you don’t just get to whine about how you were only talking about the science and why is everyone being so mean when you only started a discussion about the science to reinforce (or deflect from) your original assertion.

  • Adding on to the chorus telling you that legally speaking, tips are required to be reported as income and taxed.

    Now of course, many people don’t report their tips in spite of this requirement, and because of the nature of cash tips it is very rare that this requirement is ever enforced. So it is very unlikely that you will face any legal repercussions for not reporting your tips. However, choosing not to report can have other effects besides legal action. For example, if you lose your job and try to claim unemployment, the unemployment benefits you receive is usually calculated as a percentage of your average income from your most recent period of employment. So if you under-report your tips, that can have a significant impact on the unemployment benefits you are entitled to.

  • “the workers want it and therefor it is good and you are reactionary if you don’t support them!”

    We also don’t even know if it’s the workers that want this. All we are being shown is a petition that has ~5k signatures on it, despite the restaurant only having 256 employees according to the article. And in the second to last line of the article, we are told this:

    Of 256 employees, 93 were a part of the shift and only two said they were unhappy about it, management said at the time.

    If we can only find 2 people that are upset with the policy despite having a petition with thousands of signatures, then I think it’s safe to conclude that the people supporting the petition and the people working at the restaurant don’t overlap very much.

    Which makes sense, because if the workers were united on this issue and were serious about forcing their boss to make a change to employment policy, then they would be passing around union election cards instead of sharing a petition and getting signatures of people who don’t even work at the restaurant. A union has real leverage to force a business to make policy changes, a petition doesn’t.

    It doesn’t make sense for workers to try to change a policy like this through a petition, so the only likely reason for a petition like this to exist is so that media outlets like this can have a pretext to write an article about how seemingly unpopular this policy is in order to manufacture consent against demands for similar policies in the wider industry. A petition is great for this kind of hit job, because it focuses solely on the apparent disapproval of whoever they could find that was willing to sign. A petition doesn’t give you any data on how many people approve of the new policy relative to the disapproval rate, a petition doesn’t give you any information on how many people declined to sign, a petition doesn’t give you information where this disapproval is coming from (such as from the workers themselves or some outside source), and as such writing an article about a petition doesn’t present you with any contradicting data that might undermine the narrative you’re trying to sell.

    I am under no impression that this petition represents genuine grievances and demands from the workers themselves, and rather that it is likely the product of some astroturfing effort from other business owners and executives in the industry who have a vested interest in discouraging this policy from becoming commonplace/industry standard.

  • Defending language and human expression by arbitrarily limiting the scope of what should be considered valid language and expression.

    The linguistic niche that emojis fill is the same niche that is filled by emblems, which are a powerful tool for communicating specific ideas very concisely and have existed long before the internet. If pictures are too childish and regressive for this guy, then I suppose they want a world without bright red hexagonal stop signs and railroad crossing markers and would instead prefer traffic control markers be replaced with plain text billboards containing the relevant legal codes written in plain text.

  • I know this comment is a few days old at this point and the conversation is dead, but is it really true that reddit users skew younger?

    Like, I was a teen when I made a reddit account over a decade ago, but I feel like reddit isn’t the cool thing for high schoolers to sign up for anymore. If feels more like legacy social media with very outdated design sensibilities even if you’re using new reddit.

    I think reddit’s userbase is certainly more immature in the way that being a semi-anonymous user in an endless sea of throw-away accounts tends to foster. That kind of design creates an environment where people feel comfortable putting less care and thought into the views that they share because whatever bullshit they wrote will get buried when the thread dies, and most communities aren’t small enough for individual users to develop a persistent reputation in a community based on their previous comments, so every interaction starts off as a fresh slate with little/no stakes. And people are less likely to mature if they never have any accountability to the things they say/believe.

    I don’t think the quality/maturity of posters on Hexbear vs reddit and the “reddit diaspora” on Lemmy can be explained by the age demographics of those groups. I think it has more to do with the quality of moderation here filtering out people with “reddit-brain,” as well as simply having a more well defined community where you can somewhat expect other people to recognize your username and therefore care about the impression you leave on people as a result.

  • Well Israel is a settler-colonial project propped up by a global military empire who wants a military ally/outpost in the middle east, and that settler-colonial project is ripping people out of their homes to give land to settlers.

    Palestinians are the ones getting ripped out of their homes, having legal rights stripped away from them, and ultimately being corralled into what are fenced-in, open air concentration camps as Israel continues expanding its borders. This is what has resulted in conditions like what we see in Gaza, which is currently one of the highest population density places on earth as a result of Palestinians having more and more of their land colonized and the families who weren’t murdered in ethnic cleansing campaigns had to live closer and closer together as they were driven out of their homes. And as more and more people keep getting shoved into smaller and areas of land as Israel closes its borders in more and more via military occupation, Israel uses its control of the land surrounding these settlements to restrict food, medicine, and electricity from getting to Palestinians. Gaza usually only gets 4 hours of electricity every day despite living in an arid climate where not having air conditioning can result in death from heat stroke on particularly hot days. ~95% of the water in Gaza is not safe to drink, so death from starvation and dehydration are both incredibly common. And with extremely limited access to medical resources, very few people live to/past middle age, with the average age in Gaza currently sitting around 19 years old. Living conditions are so bad that suicidality among children is incredibly common, with over half of people under 18 reporting that they have no will to live when surveyed. And when Israel is not expanding its borders and settling more land, it preys on the desperation of the Palestinian people who have had their lives ripped away from them by employing them for cheap labor to make the lives of the settlers more comfortable. Those are the Palestinians who also have citizenship in Israel so that they can work in Israel, but even with citizenship they are second-class citizens without access to most political and legal rights.

    Israelis don’t have any particular reason to hate Palestinians, they’re just doing what every settler-colony does and they keep experiencing blowback from the people they are colonizing. All of the propaganda about thousands of years of Holy War over a Holy Land is just a founding mythos used to obscure this colonizer/colonized relationship by pretending that these are two groups on equal standing that are bickering with each other because they just can’t get along.

  • “You can’t just say America always bad, what about when they’re on the good side?”

    Well what makes them on the good side?

    “They’re fighting against the bad guys like Russia/China”

    Okay, well you can’t just always say Russia Bad China Bad, what about when they’re on the good side?

    “Well what makes them on the good side?”

    Well weakening the global military empire of the US is a good start, since that global military empire currently is the primary mechanism through which global capitalist imperialism is enforced onto the world at gunpoint, and anything that breaks the hegemonic control of that global military empire gives breathing room to liberation struggles around the world.

    “Okay, but you can’t support dictators just because they weaken America”

    Why not?

    “Because what if America is on the good side?”

    What makes them on the good side?

    “Because they’re fighting against the bad guys.”

    Repeat Ad Infinitum.

  • Where did you get this idea that blood is being spilt for a “Holy Land.”

    This is not a war between different religions. There are Palestinian Jews who are just as oppressed under Israel’s apartheid regime as Palestinian Muslims are.

    Palestinian armed resistance is an entirely justified response to a settler-colonial regime occupying Palestinian territory, tearing native Palestinians out of their homes so that they could be given to colonizers, massacring the native population and stripping them of rights in an ongoing project of ethnic cleansing and genocide over the last ~75 years. Nothing about this is a holy war, Israel is a settler-colonial state that has been militarily occupying Palestinian land, relegating Palestinians into a status of second class citizens in their own homes and ushering them into what are effectively open air prisons in places like the Gaza Strip where they are unable to leave from, all while their labor is exploited to make the lives of the Zionist colonizers more comfortable.

    This war is a response to decades of extreme oppression. This is not two groups of roughly equal standing bickering with each other, this is is a brutal military occupation financed by the largest military empire in the history of the world so that the US military can have a technologically advanced military ally in the middle east, fighting against the people who have had their land stolen and lives torn apart who are trying to mount an armed resistance to the injustice they have been forced to live under for generations.

    There is absolutely no possible world where this is an issue where “both sides” are at fault. Different religious factions will be able to co-exist when it is Palestinian land once again. There is no co-existence with a settler-colonial state whose existence is predicated on the genocide and ethnic cleansing of the native population, theft of their land, and exploitation of their labor as colonial subjects/second-class citizens living under and apartheid regime.