echognomics [he/him]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: May 8th, 2021


  • Errr, I think he’s trying to do satirical verse (ala Swift’s A Modest Proposal) to say that leftists are actually the Real RacistsTM (apparently Woke Progressives insist on everything existing on spectrums with absurdly marginal and meaningless differentiations (like how sexuality/gender are on a spectrum?), and also hypocrites who don’t really believe in the validity of the racist race spectrums that they impose on people like him (apparently Woke Progressives are ok with black people “identifying” as white people?)…? Also apparently race just means different shades of skin colours?

    Or is he just unironically doing Advanced Race Theory, Measurehead-style?

    Or both?


  • I don’t think he’s even being as generous or sophisticated as “the government is unable to do nice things because of LaWs oF eCoNoMiCs”, really. The guy’s rhetoric sounds to me more like “these nice things may sound nice to you, but actually they are complete lies which those city-slicker commie liberals tell us honest god-fearing folks to get into power and once in office they’ll take do all the bad things that we don’t like (i.e. the same bipartisan neoliberal and neoimperial policies with a trendy new “progressive” veneer instead of good old-fashioned American flag aesthetics) instead of any of these good things which they promised”.

    edit: Which isn’t better, I guess, but kinda interesting as an illustration of how while the two US ruling parties want effectively the same things policy-wise, Republicans operate with the assumption that Democrats are always acting in bad faith/with treasonous intent.

  • Yet she never, once, showed hatred towards trans people, she never wished the death of any trans person.

    Good to know that never having wished death on any individual member of a oppressed group is basically equivalent to not showing hatred towards said oppressed group. I’m sure that if a 18th century slaveowner didn’t say out loud to another person that he wished that all his plantation slaves would spontaneously drop dead, that must then mean that he is not a hateful racist.

    Bigotry for these people can only mean being an out-and-out Nazi, making public speeches about how all the untermensch must be crushed underfoot and herded into gas chambers en masse. Because that really shows how good and virtuous of a human being you are - not being a literal Nazi.