• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Because the lowest common denominator is much MUCH lower than you think it is.

    This means it’s easy to indoctrinate and easy to maintain that for a massive number of people.

    Scientific illiteracy is extremely high, and actual “6th grade reading comprehension” is the highest level of literacy for > 50% of a country like the U.S. and ~20% are low literacy or actually illiterate.

    This means that half of everyone in the U.S. can read and understand what they read at or below a 6th grade level. This isn’t “reading big words”, it’s “tell us about what you read”, “what is the relationship between x & y” type questions.

    This comment for example, up to this point only, would be difficult to understand & comprehend for > 50% of people in the U.S. (it demands an 11th grade reading comprehension). And may be misread, misunderstood, or not understood at all.

    People are driven to religions to cults and alt conspiracy theories when they don’t understand how the world works around them. They latch onto extremely simple often misleading or incorrect ideas of how the world works because they can understand it and it “makes sense” within their sphere of ignorance (we all have one, this isn’t meant to be a disparaging term).

    This means that the problem is that humans are just not smart enough to escape religion yet. It’s the simplest answer, and it appears to be correct.

  • It’s not as easy to defeat as just changing the pixel…

    CSAM detection often uses existing features for image matching such as PhotoDNA by Microsoft. Similarly both Facebook and Google also have image matching algorithms and software that is used for CSAM detection which.

    These are all hash based image matching tools used for broad feature sets such as reverse image search in bing, and are not defeated by simply changing a pixel. Or even redrawing parts of the whole image itself.

    You’re not just throwing an md5 or an sha at an images binary. It’s much more nuanced and complex than that, otherwise hash based image matching would be essentially useless for anything of consequence.

  • Did you read the article? No? Cmon. You should start doing that before drawing conclusions.

    This is noted as a temporary block on the specific extensions ONLY within the country with regulatory power to ban Firefox. Russia.

    Mozilla has stated this is temporary so they can have the breathing room to figure out how to navigate this. Since this goes against their principles.

    It’s either Firefox is banned in Russia, or they do this. Which causes more harm? That’s a rough choice for them to need to make.