That’s not an accurate take. There are some pro-lifers who are like that but most are in favour of exceptions when it’s to save the mother’s life, or the fetus has a fatal deformity.
They just don’t (want to) understand that the intentionally vague wording of anti-abortion laws makes it basically impossible for doctors to perform medically indicated abortions until it’s too late to save the patient.
If you claim to be “pro-life” the least you can do is advocate for clear definitions of the medical circumstances where abortive medical procedures are permitted.
This is another bullshit play straight out of the MAGA playbook. Undermine the current administration so you can campaign that we need to vote for them to fix it.
Trump got republican senators to block a bipartisan bill that would have allocated more funding to the border patrol needed to address illegal immigration, then used immigration as a campaign issue.
PP gets conservative MP to hinder the liberal’s efforts to address the affordable housing crisis so he can push his narrative of how the CPC will ‘build the homes” that the liberals failed to do.
It makes me angry that is going to work.