I also found it ridiculous. Turns out, you can hide bot posts in your account settings if you login into the web version of your instance (vger doesn’t display the option for example).
I also found it ridiculous. Turns out, you can hide bot posts in your account settings if you login into the web version of your instance (vger doesn’t display the option for example).
The job boards are nice but I feel the remote-only boards are still super niche. I’ve had more success with a plain Google query that limits its results to some HR SaaS tool.
For example: “Javascript remote site:jobvite.com” then filter for last 7 days.
Of course that moves the goalpost to knowing which domains are a good fit. But that’s super dependent on your region and of course not all platforms follow this url pattern.
Hatte ich auch erwartet. Sie haben aber relativ wertfrei den Artikel der dpa übernommen.
Very nicely put. If I observe any real person replying in text, what im seeing is essentially just them thinking about what word to put next and entering it on the keyboard. It is an extremely complex task. I’m not saying that state of the art language models are also mulling the same thoughts in their “minds” like we are but that they are solving the same problem. And our current paradigm of training these models show no sign of slowing progress so I understand the sentiment that calling these models just “text prediction machines” is too simplistic.
That’s the best explanation I have seen so far.
Check if there is an update available. The newest version (0.0.33) supposedly comes with a fix for the flashing.
Klingt schon ziemlich nice. Dieser Absatz nach der Lobhymne der Nährwerte hat mich zum schmunzeln gebracht
Aber ich bin gespannt wie sich das weiterentwickelt.
Kleiner nitpick, dieses Hervorheben wie sehr irgendein Lebensmittel CO2 bindet ist finde ich total irreführend. Ohne fossile Brennstoffe ist es halt ein Kreislauf, gebundenes CO2 was nicht verbuddelt wird wird irgendwann wieder freigesetzt.