I wonder how many lunch debts could be dealt with if that money was spent on REDACTED instead
Ask ChatGPT to write its own version of the “this is not a place of honour” plaque
The sound design just made my ears bleed.
I liked the sound design specifically for this - the soundscape really supported oppenheimer’s moral conflict about his work by sounding conflicted and anxiety inducing.
Don’t 👏 dehumanize 👏 xenomorphs 👏
anyone who picks bad boys II is deeply unserious
Music videos from that era were actually very good. Michel gondry did a lot of cool stuff around then
No, it’s more white people
The first post sounds like she’s describing the mystique of Israel to westerners lol
I’m waiting for a teary eyes interview with an Israeli struggling to do their own drywalling
You have to say “those people are deeply unserious in minecraft” or it is a call to violence
Yep 100%
No courage, no hope
Youre doing a bit right?
I think he’s just treating the nyt journalist like one would treat a dog.
Passive resistance is not a real programme, but an apology for supporting the old programme.
Damn shots fired
Such a lib move on that snip in the spoiler
Hence CW: liberalism in the header lol
The version posted on the nyt is even funnier, it has little throwaway remarks from the interviewer and on that line in the snip the author says “I just blurted this out” or similar language
Why wouldn’t you fuck the tentacle thing? It didn’t even cross my mind to not fuck the tentacle monster. It’s a game, who cares.
a 8 year old’s idea of presidential success
nah fuck this, don’t be the race police. this kind of thing is bullshit in general but I think particularly so in the context of indigenous people who’ve been colonized. there’s nothing special about DNA that makes people automatically have good or bad takes.
Lemme check
No, not cookbooks