Author of lem.el, a lemmy client for emacs:

  • 19 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: March 9th, 2020


  • “Entomology (from Ancient Greek entomon ‘insect’, and -logia ‘study’)[1] is the scientific study of insects, a branch of zoology. In the past the term insect was less specific, and historically the definition of entomology would also include the study of animals in other arthropod groups, such as arachnids, myriapods, and crustaceans. This wider meaning may still be encountered in informal use.”

  • glad you got going!

    thanks for opening issues in the repo.

    bindings are just work to do. development moving v fast, mainly I’m just still trying to add basic features. eg posting is only 4 days old.

    I’m not sure about the markdown issue, I just require markdown-mode. mayb I use a fn in the mode that requires the binary.

    Lemmy uses markdown, so to render post content I take the markdown data, render it using markdown-mode, then render the HTML output.

    not sure how else to do that, nor how to not rely on markdown mode.

    I shd look into it more, but mainly I had to just find my own way, as Lemmy is hardly documented at all.

    feel free to make more requests, its easier than fumbling along alone.