@wav3ydave @18107 @ajsadauskas If the consumer subsidy for environmental damage was taxed at the pump, the price of petrol, diesel, aviation fuel etc would immediately become expensive, + unaffordable. Demand would plummet. Oil companies would be unable to sell what they produce & leave it in the ground, run out of money to invest in further exploration. Government would also see tax receipts disappear. Shops run out of stock, prices soar. Industry grind to a halt.
@hamishb @wav3ydave @18107 @ajsadauskas When the UK government banned the purchase of Russian oil there was a slight decrease in availability of fuel at petrol stations. Queues formed, panic buying and constant topping up tanks occurred. The Saudi and Russian governments agreed to further reduce available supplies and prices soared. Even a small climate protest at refinery gates or a tanker driver strike brings the just in time system to crisis point.