What do other cities do with their wastewater? Isnt that the norm?
What do other cities do with their wastewater? Isnt that the norm?
Fuck the 3-2-1 rule, I cant afford that. I just have my server and that connects each night to another server at my parents and does an incremental backup via kopia.
Or at least, that is my plan, currently i hook up a 10TB HDD from time to time and do a ZFS send… but the offsite backup is coming! For sure!
If it is not that much data though, take a look at Backblaze B2. Using that for a client that has a few 100 GBs and it costs about a euro a month currently. Incremental, encrypted, with kopia. But if it is multiple TB it can get real expensive real fast
Take a look at quik: https://github.com/octoshrimpy/quik
Its the continuation of QKSMS (which I actually still use)
N Heat-It kaufen und am Schlüsselbund haben. Kann ich wirklich sehr empfehlen :)
Didnt even know carrier locking is still a thing. I think thats long illegal here in the EU
That problem has every consumer laptop. Lenovos Ideapads and Thinkbooks do the same. As well as the Asus, Acer, etc notebooks from the cheaper end.
I do those hinge repairs from time to time for customers and its rarely a thinkpad, elitebooks, probook, etc.
HP notebooks can do that too though
Love my samsung buds 2. Got them for 45 on ebay I believe and even have some ANC
For airtags that was, at least until recently, the case. You could only detect “lost airtags”.
Which makes sense, since only then they are relevant for stalking etc.
That would be awesome!
At least in the EU, you xan easily change search engines on chrome on android.
Accoring to the math in this video: :
Doesnt sound to bad, until you hear that a human produces 1.35 deaths per 100M miles driven…
Its rough math, but holy moly that already is a completely other class of deadly than a non FSD car
Everyone…? KIA, Mercedes, BMW, etc, etc
Their modes are just not as “confident” as teslas, when its auto pilot feature is running over a child.
Hab ein günstiges Multi Nährstoff Präparat von Vegan Vitality. B12 ist da leicht unterdosiert, weswegen ich ab und zu noch eine Kapsel von Sunday zu mir nehme.
Und außerdem noch ab und zu die Omega3 Tropfen von Sunday, hochdosiert aus Algenöl. Wesentlich weniger, als die “empfohlene Menge”, da ich auch so etwas O3 zu mir nehme, aber wahrscheinlich nicht genug, daher die Tropfen.
So kommt man verhältnismäßig günstig weg finde ich
Working fine for me
Cars are not “green energy”.
Putting hard drives to sleep when not in use can akso drastically decrease power consumption. But for that to work, the OS cannot be on there and things that potentially get accessed rather often neither.
Want to improve my system by doing exactly that and spinning the hard drives only up, if one watches a movie from plex. Nextcloud is on a ssd and should not make any problems anymore :)
Never heard of anything like that. Do you know anything where I can read up on it? Is it dependent on the country you live in and the stabliness of the powergrid? Because I do not even remember the last time I had no power, probably 5-10 years ago.
Dieser Mythos, das Margarine ungesund sei we in l da so viele Transfette drin sein sollen hält sich schon echt lange…
Heutzutage hat Margarine viel weniger Transfette als Butter. Und wenn man eine kauft, welche 80% Fett hat (wie Butter ja auch), dann schmeckt sie auch. Meine Empfehlung immer: Alsan für 1,19€.