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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023

  • As an alternative to using a credit card online is a good idea, as good an idea as any for security and anti-tracking if nothing else. But only if you remember to use them.

    One other thing is, (and I’m not positive this is true), but people on disability can’t have over a certain amount of cash. Giving a gift card makes sense in that instance because it no longer counts as cash at that point.

  • I still have the scar from the head wound but you can only see it in winter time when I’m paler, and it’s sort of receded some into my hair line. Even then. It’s very faint. I don’t have any scars on the leg (that I can see anyway) Or my back. It’s the kind of thing that didn’t seem scary or worry me at the time, but looking back I know I could have died. I think I don’t remember a lot of things because I was on painkillers for a good majority of the time.

    Of course the other thing is that I have to go off the accounts of people who were there at the time and they were mostly kids (and one person’s mom) who couldn’t give the cops a good description of the guy or the car or anything.

  • Does it count if I don’t really remember it? I was 8. It was a week before summer break. I was waiting for my mother to come home from work (sitting on the front steps to our house). A friend of mine called me across the street. I went. I didn’t make it to the other side. Hit and run driver crashed right into me, dragged me half a block and left me for dead. Neighbors said he didn’t even look back. They never caught him. I don’t remember waking up in the ambulance. I had a head wound and a broken leg (compound fracture, pierced the skin). I remember them having to set the bone and then take me to another hospital (a children’s hospital). I remember being drugged. And waking up to my mom sleeping in the chair next to me. I have no memory of anything from the time I was crossing the street to the time I was in the ICU at the first hospital. They wouldn’t let me move my head. I don’t remember being scared or in pain or anything until they had to set the bone to straighten out my leg to splint it.

    Even the aftermath (10 weeks in a body cast that went from my breast bone down to cover everything but the toes of my broken leg) is kind of a hazy mess. Except that I then fell down the stairs and broke my arm too. Added insult to injury.

  • I think you’re reading things into what I said that you probably shouldn’t be, and that’s skewing how you read what I wrote. I am fully aware of how close polls are to how many votes he’s likely to get. But overall what I’m pointing out is that he does not have half of the eligible voting population at his back. There’s a significant number of registered voters who do not vote and therein lies the reason the polls are currently showing him as competitive with Harris. If more people vote that gap widens. I went with the numbers for the last time he won to illustrate the point of what happens when people don’t vote in the election.

    You’ll note that I said specifically that this is why people are urging everyone who can vote to vote.

    This is worded the way it is to illustrate to outsiders that it’s not half the country supporting Trump because that’s been a really big assumption I have seen repeatedly.

  • I don’t play many FPS games full stop. The ones I did play added a bunch of elements I didn’t like (Destiny, Overwatch, etc). Since they don’t make up the predominant portion of games I play, I can’t say it’s surprising to me.

    Others have complained about the number of “mouth breathing kids” and I can’t really fault them for that. The number of people in online games with no filters, who play loud music, or have family drama going on around them on hot mic is too high. The number of people who are rude or worse is also too high.

    There’s something, though, to be said for the kinds of games that are just more popular because they encourage a story and or exploration or both.

  • I think I’ve backed 4 Kickstarter games. 3 made it to release. I’m not surprised that a lot fail. The one that didn’t make it to release got removed from Kickstarter for not making its goal and being a “sequel” I believe. That game looks like it’s still getting made. It happens. Studios make mistakes or don’t get the timing right or what have you.

    It’s important to remember that this is an investment. Investments have inherent risk. It’s not going to stop me from investing in new games or projects I’m interested in. But I recommend not investing anything you can’t bear to lose.

  • Part of that had to do with low voter turnout. In 2016, the eligible voting population of the US was 230.93K. The total number of votes cast was only 136.75K. Of the votes cast only 62.98K were cast for Trump.

    This is literally why every other post on social media is urging people to vote.

    Edit: I’m gonna say one other thing. There’s only 47% of registered voters who even bother with a party affiliation. The numbers for registered voters with party affiliation break down to be pretty close. But only 30 of the 50 states and territories allow voters to select a party affiliation.

    " As of March 2024, 45 million registered voters in these areas identified themselves as Democrats. At 38.28%, Democrats represented the single largest share of registered voters in the states and territories that allow voters to indicate partisan affiliation on their registration forms.

    A total of 35.7 million registered voters identified themselves as Republicans, representing 30.35% of registered voters in these areas. "