• 134 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • I wonder if this girl considers herself Palestinian. It describes her as a Bedouin, but it’s really unclear to me whether Israeli Bedouins see themselves as Palestinians or not.

    I think that historically, the Bedouins were a distinct cultural group from the non-Bedouin Palestinians, but it’s also really complicated to get any ethnographic information for me as an American, because Israeli media and middle east scholarship has traditionally erased Palestinian identities, instead calling Palestinian Israelis “Arab Israelis”. Do people like her family actually see themselves as apart from Palestinians? Or do they recognize themselves within this term, but keep their mouths shut because of how dangerous it is to say such a thing out loud? I’m very curious.

    Either way, as you say, it’s wild that “Supporting Palestine” is such hostile accusation to be levied at her. It’s just crazy. I feel so terrible for her, and also angry at what Israel has become. I think it’s always been bad, but naked hostility and racism is so, so, SO much worse in this generation than it was even 30 years ago.

  • I don’t know why this sticks out to me, but it’s kind of nuts that as far as I can tell, the IDF and the Israeli government haven’t even given a pretense for what legal authority they’re drawing on.

    The military referenced a “court order”, which appears to be based on the Israeli domestic court system, but officially Ramallah is entirely under the legal jurisdiction of the potempkin government of the Palestinian Authority. But the IDF didn’t even bother to go through this puppet government: they seem to have just shrugged and cited the ancient legal ruling of Bigger stick v. Smaller stick and robbed a news office of tens of thousands of dollars of equipment and office space at gun-point in broad daylight.

    Everytime they get bolder, that’s a very bad sign.

  • This is such a weird, unproductive observation that people make all the time.

    First: my point is that we in the US should recognize that Israel’s actions are making the US and Israel less safe. It would definitely be nice if Hezbollah stopped fighting, but that is essentially a non-sequitur. It’s not a counter argument that what Mossad did is a good idea that any of us should support.

    Second: this observation that they could end the war by not fighting is true of every side in every war. Russia could end their war in Ukraine if they stopped invading. Ukraine could end the war if they surrendered and let Russia invade them. Hezbollah and Israel could both end this war by not fighting it. What practical guidance does that provide?

    I’m not interested in watching this like a history channel documentary. When I type, I’m expressing what I think we should all say and do as people with (supposedly) the ability to influence our governments. I don’t have control over Hezbollah. I don’t really have control over Israel or the US either, but at least I’m supposed to.

  • The reasons why this is such a big f’g deal are many.

    First, this IS textbook terrorism. An entire country full of civilians is paralyzed with fear of any item blowing up at any moment. In addition to the killing and maiming, this is deliberate.

    Second, Mossad is innovating new theaters of warfare. Others will imitate this. This further legitimizes any place – hospitals, schools, houses of warship – as legitimate venues for bombing. And that includes in the US.

    Third, this is ANOTHER escalation! Most of us don’t want a giant regional war! And yet people act like Hezbollah was so provocative that they gave Israel no choice. Netanyahu is clearly the instigator! Hezbollah is actually in a terrible place to fight a war. They do not want this, but feel constantly compelled to maintain their credibility. They have repeatedly taken a minimalist approach because they really don’t want to fight this war. This could end instantly if Israel just accepted a ceasefire in Gaza. Ironically, Israel is escalating in Lebanon because there is basically nothing left to blow up in Gaza and Netanyahu needs a constant war to stay out of jail. The claim that this is to let residents in the north go home is the same as the claim that the war in Gaza was to bring back hostages. A year later, ask the kibbutzim how that worked out.

    All of this is common knowledge in Israel. The head of the military is about to be replaced for repeatedly stating that all of this is contrary to Israel’s security!

    It’s just insane.

  • As someone who has thought about this a lot, here’s what I try to do myself.

    First, let’s reconcile some things. On one hand, you have a sense of powerlessness, and it’s not an illusion. However on the other, I think there is a real and valid sense among many that Israel’s situation has changed in fundamental ways that cannot be undone. And it seems realistic that the current order will fall in our lifetimes. So then how do you and I act to hasten that?

    First (and really second, third, and fourth), we must bear witness. We must continue to read these articles and learn about this situation well enough to try and explain it to others. Save articles by Palestinians to use to lift up their voices when opportunities arise.

    At this point, it helps to reflect on a certain model of persuasion I like. Our goals are not to convince someone who opposes us to join our side. It’s to move people along a ladder. You want to find people who already agree with you but are passive, and activate them to do the things you’re already doing. You want to convince people who are neutral to agree with you, passively. You want to convince people who are passively opposed to become neutral. And you want to convince people who are actively opposed to lose their conviction and become passive in their opposition.

    This has been happening for a long time, and it’s begun to accelerate in the last year. Learn and share knowledge. I don’t mean facts: I mean listen to people and slip them time-bomb ideas tailored to where they are that will move them on the ladder the next time they read a headline that you’ve primed them to look at with new eyes.

    Second: I think it’s very likely that major turning points will be accompanied by mass actions. Protests don’t do anything … until suddenly they do. Be a member of a group – DSA, JVP, PYM, etc. – to make sure that when people march, you’ll get the call.

    That’s pretty much what I have now. That and conversations like this one.

    Third, I try to make sure I’m visible in my politics. I wear a kippah, and I have a Palestinian flag pin on it. I’ve found that this lets fellow Jews who’ve felt silenced know that I’m safe to talk to about this, and quietly lets Muslim neighbors know I’m with them. I have a drawstring bag with a pro-Palestine message I often carry. If useful to you, consider signaling politely where you stand to let others know.

    And lastly: keep the faith. That ladder I mentioned? Zionists are trying to do all this to you too. There are people who want to exhaust you and demoralize you. Take breaks if needed. Don’t burn out. Do what you must to stay active for the long haul.

  • Thanks for sharing this. I wasn’t familiar with this channel, not I’m liking it.

    I just read that this guy was part of Nebula and was forced out. It’s remarkable that he’s forced out for speaking openly and defending his beliefs when Isaac Arthur is tolerated despite having much more onerous politics but having them in secret. Smh.