I ran it recently on the latest iMac with no issues.
I ran it recently on the latest iMac with no issues.
The difference is countries that vote for parties vs voting for an individual. I don’t know why anyone would think one person would have the best interests of the country at heart.
Yeah I’m an older millennial and there are things I don’t have in common with younger ones.
Kamala just slips in as a boomer technically, by like a year or something.
I thought millennials started at '82?
Not sure if it’s what you’re looking for but I use https://photopea.com a lot, I didn’t need Photoshop enough to pay for it and this is a very good alternative. It’s a website but everything happens on your local machine.
On my iPad I also use Respite for pixel art since Aseprite doesn’t have an iPad version.
We call it a sausage sizzle (democracy sausage at voting time) and they’re delicious 🤤
Don’t you know the poem? Water, water everywhere, so let’s all have a drink.
Yep, and it’s compulsory voting, on a sensible day of the week and even pre-poll so you can just go in early if you want to. And sometimes there are sausages.
So the opposite of Waterworld?
The last episode of Enterprise is the one before that. There is no Riker’s holodeck!
Oh inside the ship definitely, but outside space doesn’t have a down. If a photon torpedo really hit the front it would push the ship backwards, not to the front and down. But it’s ok, it’s just a bit of fun 🚀
I hadn’t watched any Trek in a while and in Picard there was a scene where their ship was hit and started listing like a boat and I was like “that’s not how space works!”, then remembered that’s the thing with Star Trek.
Too many round corners and watching it this morning they’ve made a mess of their on screen graphics. There’s a weird space in the bottom right and crappy orange gradients make it look like commercial tv… Was that the point?
If they do another generation leap they should just copy Scotty’s TNG appearance with O’Brien, shot for shot.
Oh, no disrespect intended! Where I come from though we use cheese instead of curds, it’s practically a national dish.
Cheese and gravy (not the Canadian thing)
Huh, I actually had to look at the At a Glance but to see what you were talking about. I’ve just taken it as a given that I can’t use the top 1/3 of the screen or the bottom strip.
I’m not a gestures guy at all, I like buttons!
I feel like I’m the only one who still reverts navigation to the 3 dots and doesn’t use any of the new stuff they’re releasing.
This taskbar looks like it’s going to make things happen without me wanting them to, I hope we can turn it off.
There are lots of Big Things! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_things_(Australia)