• 23 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 24th, 2020


  • Strangely enough, this is often the exact other way around for me, but it heavily depends on the true crime documentary. Horror movies, for the most part, leave me apathetic. My brain has problems to suspend disbelief for them - especially when they rely on supernatural elements. So many horror movies are more enjoyable surreal films, while reading or hearing about truly horrible events in real life can disturb me quite a lot sometimes.

  • The mining is also usually a really polluting affair for the region, much more than the what power generation might suggest. And overall, in many countries there is a lot of subsidies going on for hidden costs, especially relating to the waste and initial construction. So it is not as cheap as a first look might suggest.

    I’m not against it per se, it is better than fossil fuels, which simply is the more urgent matter, but it’s never been the wonder technology it has been touted as ever since it first appeared.