• 44 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 12th, 2024


  • Be nice, Lemmy. We need more original content and discussions in our communities. If you are downvoting, you should at least say why.

    As for the video, I thought it was pretty good actually, especially for a first YouTube video. I liked your transitions and editing. You also predicted some of the complaints and addressed them in the video, although I’m guessing some people down voted without watching all of it. I hope you don’t let the down votes discourage you, and you keep it up.

    Anyway, my personal opinion on the discussion topic itself is that it feels like I just got a PS5 and the games targeted for it still feel lacking, so I get people’s complaints there. I think that’s largely because the pandemic made time weird, plus the logistical issues that entailed. But, it’s not like they stopped releasing games for the PS4 when the PS4 Pro came out. Hell, they’re still releasing games for the PS4. It doesn’t negate the desire for the PS5 Pro some people might have, and I don’t think it would cause them to stop targeting the PS5 with new games, either.

    And I totally get the annoying trade off between quality and performance that would be nice to not have to make, or at least not have the difference be so drastic. I want a closer experience to my PC from my couch and with my big, expensive TV that my partner can watch with me, without having to move my PC and mess with switching around a bunch of power and HDMI cords. It would take me a long time to want to pay for that experience, but I wouldn’t begrudge others for wanting to, especially since I don’t think it would harm my experience at all.

  • The liberal establishment doesn’t want fascism either, but they basically invite it by squashing the left, and continually trying to turn out the same slow moving technocratic and means tested solutions even as it slowly grinds us towards fascism still. Fascism is capitalism in decay. When the problems of capitalism rear it’s ugly head, it always resorts to fascism to get back control, assigning blame to some local minorities, giving power to rich people, doing some imperialism or foreign wars to get resources or distract the populace, and killing all the people on the left who suggest alternative solutions (I.e. socialists and communists).

    It’s annoying to see it coming from so far away and feeling so utterly powerless =( The same cycle over and over in history yet we never learn. Hopefully we can steer off before it’s too late but there’s no organization in this country for a better solution.