Ufot [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • If you haven’t played it on PC slay the spire is my goat. I couldn’t tell you another game I’ve 100%'d. I think ive put in like 200 hours.

    Someone mentioned desert golfing here a few years back. I still play it now. It’s so minimal. No settings. No music. Just get the ball in the hole. You can play it for 30 seconds or 30 minutes.

    Everyone does it differently bit I’m a bit more selective about games I play on my phone. I’ve done some roms/emulators but I’d rather just play those on my computer. I only like games that I can go into or drop at a moments notice.

  • Same thing happened to me. Never really came up with a great solution.

    When my w, s , 2 and other letters started failing on my old laptop, my solution was to just get a USB keyboard and kinda plop it over the laptop keyboard XD. Or have it nearby and ready. If I was working or something having a better keyboard was nice anyway. If I just needed it for an occasional search it was handy.

    I’m no expert but the process you described:

    Key worked correctly sometimes, then worked if you pressed it long/enough times, then just stopped working, was how all my Keys went.

    So whatever solution you come up with be prepared to have to use it again.

    Also if you’re really in a pickle you can try copying+pasting the letter lol.

    I almost got fucked because my login password had an s in it. So be careful if such a situation arises.

  • Interesting. I wonder how accurately some people feel they can both can properly express themselves over text, and also understand what the other party is trying to lay down.

    Nobody is going to want to date me if I can’t make them laugh. I don’t want to date someone who I can’t make laugh. I don’t want to date someone who can’t make me laugh.

    It’s a lot harder for me to make people laugh over texts. It’s easier if people already know how I communicate, but its still harder than in person.

    So I’d always rather spend an hour or two getting ready and meeting someone in person to find out if vibes are good, sense of humors overlap, than to spend hours over a week+, checking for messages, thinking about what to say, thinking about what I said, all for it to fall flat. Or worse maybe, after all that, I finally meet them in person and vibes are wack.

  • I have some examples below but my advice comes from a more generalized approach on habits/decision making. What’s the point of doing a 30 day super diet if you’re miserable the whole time and afterwards you either quickly/gradually fall back into the actions that got you there in the first place.

    Make choices and plans when you feel strong/motivated, then set yourself up as best as possible to limit your power/desires to make good decisions when you’re less strong/motivated.

    Recognize your habits and how you might have “failed” in previous attempts.

    Dont buy foods you know youll overeat. Try to only grocery shop when you feel strong/empowered/full.

    Try to plan your meal choices ahead of time, and have a backup plan or 2 that might be worse than plan A but better than winging it. Ex: you have to go to work, and there’s a fast food spot near that you eat at way too much.

    Plan A: bring lunch daily Plan B: have some frozen stuff you can microwave if you forget/don’t prepare a lunch Plan C: have a protein bar or some highcalorie snack that’ll hold you over Plan D: know of a couple healthier options for takeout, and commit to them before you get hungry.

    If you keep failing a plan A, figure out why. You keep running out of time in the morning? Meal prep. You hate the lunch you bring to work? Make something else that might not be as healthy, but it’s better still than plans B-D.

    It’s ok if you mess up. It’s okay if you make compromises, but try to make the compromises when you feel strong not in the moment.

    You don’t need to be perfect to lose weight, you just need to consistently eat less/healthier over time.

    Also unless its a nutritious shake/smoothie, dont drink calories. Lmao that’s a big one. For a lot of people just getting that number down is enough to make a significant different.

    If you have any particularly bad/ingrained habits it’s okay to ween yourself off them. You don’t need to go from 10 cokes a day to zero, go to 5 first. Or instead of coke, maybe you can switch to coke zero for a month or two first, then switch to flavored water for a couple months then plainwater. Or whatever.

  • TLDR: Rogue Fable IV. Really impressed with its early version changes/upgrades from RFIII, which is my favorite roguelite by far. Just one person, passion project.

    Highly reccomend.


    Wrote this bottom part first and it started to ramble. Can’t say enough good things. There’s a roguelite called rogue fable 3 that ive hundreds of hours over the years before I finally was done with it. I thought it was just a great mix of challenge, variety, pace and enjoyment, while only taking 45-60 min to beat the game. There were days I binged but usually I just played the “daily challenge” and whether I won or lost it satisfied my “gaming itch”.

    Just a single developer doing all the work, with help from community feedback, he consistently updated the game to keep it feeling fresh, with no additional cost, for years.

    Wasn’t sure if I’d be interested in the new one, hard to recapture sparks, sequels often fell short, moved on with my life etc, but I started playing the prealpha version again and after lots of adjustments/testing/fiddling it just had its web release. I’m very impressed with the changes so far, new mechanics and solutions, more streamlined levels/encounters, more dynamic combat and skills.

    It’s free right now too so if you like games at all I’d give it a shot!

  • When I was in high school my friend would always try to do something difficult or impressive, even something as basic of trying to throw something in the trash from far way. He’d often miss or fail at it, so for a bit I was a little judgemental on why he kept trying if he was just going to miss. But sometimes he would succeed, and one of those times I realized, you’ll never do cool shit unless you try to do cool shit, and that’s stuck with me ever since.

    Of course don’t act a fool and make it everyone else’s problem, or someone else mess to clean up. No harm no foul and so on.