Dysphoria is not what makes someone transgender!
Yeah I know. I’ve already cut off ties with that friend mostly.
CW: rest of this message is infused with my brain worms around passing
Many transfem people do not pass. […] You don’t owe it to anyone to look a certain way before you can be yourself.
I’d actually rather live with dysphoria forever and simply be dissociated and self-hating the whole time. Not because I don’t think I’d be a “real woman”, but because if I can’t for the most part look like a cis woman, I’m STILL going to have the dysphoria, but then I’m also going to have to deal with people telling me I’m an abomination - it’d only make things worse because it would just add to the existing pain.
Then again there is basically no way for HRT to make me look worse, and I already look so fem that if I was actually trying I could probably already pass.
look at you literally describing me!
is it? i feel two conflicting things: