From the British TV show IT Crowd. I forget the exact scene but it is the father trying to convince his son he is in heaven and Hitler ruins it.
From the British TV show IT Crowd. I forget the exact scene but it is the father trying to convince his son he is in heaven and Hitler ruins it.
As someone who got into the closed beta a few days ago it is a fantastic motivator to get moving.
Absolutely love the artwork and the parts of the world I’ve seen so far.
Keep up the great work schamppu and team!
Yeah the rubber part gets replaced.
Correct the spare tyre is the wheel+tyre as you can’t just swap the tyre on your own. And yeah rotating is just moving wheel+tyre to a new position on the car so the tyre gets a different wear pattern which helps it last longer.
It is like a bike :). The wheel is the metal/plastic part in the middle. The tyre is the outer rubber part. They will take the wheel of the car to replace the tyre but unless the wheel is also damaged you will get the same one back. Regarding the inner tube some have a tube and some don’t same for bikes actually.
There was in their previous game DOS2 and Larian’s website says you can.
It is another digital game store owned by CD Project, parent company of company that made the Witcher series and Cyberpunk 2077. They originally started by selling old games that they would get running on newer OSes. They have since started selling new games and have an alright launcher that you can link to other stores to see your entire game collection.
Yeah, I took that to mean programming.