Sopje [comrade/them]

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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 18th, 2023


  • Use the portrait function of your phone (if it has it) and use the main camera for better quality. Hold your camera between you and a light source, and turn your body a bit away from the camera wile keeping your head towards it for a more natural look. As others said, the result looks best if you take the picture from further away and then crop the result. I usually try to crop out my arm as well so you can’t clearly tell I made the picture myself. Take some pictures while playing around with the angle a bit and look at the results, then take more pictures with the best looking angle and repeat until you’re satisfied with the result.

    It takes around an hour for me to get a good picture usually because you need to play around a bit with different angles and faces but the result is often really good. I hate taking pictures of myself but putting in the effort once every while is worth it for me.

    A picture in which you smile usually does better on dating apps because it makes you seem more approachable, but a more neutral expression is also fine

  • In my experience women are just a little bit more open minded than men because they’ve been victimised more often. So they will be a little bit more progressive while being very similar to men otherwise. Most white women will support lgbtqia+ rights and abortion, but still behave like they are superior to minority groups while acting like they care (white saviour type shit). They are slightly more class conscious than men in my experience and often anti capitalist but still oppose communism on the same grounds as any liberal. They believe in slowly changing society by voting and by encouraging the people around them to behave better.

    This is from a mostly European perspective though.

  • You are not being too sensitive at all and I would be careful around them. If they say those things about black people then they might have feelings about you too and being alone with a group of racist white men can be dangerous for someone who is non-white or not a man.

    I used to work for an older white man (when I was underage) who used to say similar types of racist things to me as an intimidation technique (I think). The things he said would gradually grow worse until he violated me.

    Personally it was a lesson for me to never be alone with someone or some people who feel ‘superior’ over another group, because they will act on it. Although the racist things he said weren’t about me, he left unsaid the he viewed me as inferior too.