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Cake day: June 26th, 2023

  • That’s actually a misconception within a misconception.

    It’s not that MSG allergies don’t exist, it is that they are often downplayed for the same reason that Celiac’s disease is downplayed. When a few people fake or overexaggerate their symptoms, credibility is taken from the rest of us who actually suffer from it. Now people are always quick to invalidate those who are symptomatic.

    Yes, it’s true that some of the rumors around MSG are racially motivated, and that some people who claim to be affected are lying. But that doesn’t mean that MSG related symptoms aren’t real for the rest of us. Speaking as someone who is from Hong Kong, grew up with MSG, and absolutely loves the taste of it, but developed health conditions that were comorbid with MSG intolerance.

    As a chronic pain and migraine sufferer, large quantities of MSG is a common trigger for migraines (or headaches when I’m lucky). I’ve been blind tested before with someone else’s help using the same quantities of salt vs MSG in a cellulose capsule. Each time, I would happen to be fine after taking the salt capsule with a glass of water. But after taking the MSG capsule with a glass of water, I would have have a headache or a painfully tense sensation around my head. This was done multiple times across separate days to rule out confounding factors.

    It’s likely true that for the vast majority of people MSG doesn’t trigger a reaction. However, a few of us have an intolerance and we are frequently dismissed and medically gaslit. Please believe us. I’m so tired of people telling me that what I’m experiencing isn’t real. I wish it didn’t have to be real so I could go back to eating whatever I want and not worry about migraines.

  • I don’t understand the facepalm. The pyramids didn’t build themselves, they are where they are because they are where civilization was. Have you seen the rest of Egypt? Not sure where you’d expect people to settle if not on the Nile and it’s flood plains, and not sure where you’d expect modern day Egyptians to move to.

    Edit: good catch, I forgot that’s proven false now (see below)

  • NTA. Your wife needs to be supportive of your health conditions and recognize that your food and drinks not not just ‘some snacks’, they are a medical necessity.

    You and your wife need to get your teens to learn how to respect boundaries, and this starts with your wife defending you, not them.

    That being said, being mad isn’t always the solution. While it’s understandable for anyone to be mad at this situation, you need to step back and look at what you did or said in response, and ask yourself if this is effective at changing your kids’ behavior into what you want them to become.

    I grew up in a household with chronic yelling, and this wasn’t effective in anything other than teaching me how to lie better. I don’t know what you said to your kids, but I think what would help is sitting down and explain how what they’ve done affects you and how it makes you feel. Whether it makes you feel like your health conditions don’t matter, or it makes you feel hurt, or it makes you feel like your shopping efforts don’t matter. Kids are dumb and don’t always understand that what they do can hurt other people.

    Ideally you can get them to promise not to do that again. Ask them what would help remind them. Maybe it’s something like putting some colored tape on your food, so they know not to take it. Kids are dumb, and maybe not every mistake they make is out of malice.

    If talking doesn’t work, there are more options like taking away their snacks until your next grocery trip, deducting their allowance, removing privileges, not getting them snacks next time, etc. Get a locking mini fridge if you have to to get your point across that actions have consequences. If this were at a work place, HR can fire lunch thieves in a heartbeat. Better for them to tough out whatever consequences you give them now than have them get a taste of it in the real world.